Chapter 17 | Nothing Revealed / Everything Denied

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    You have got to be fucking kidding me. My plans to spend time with Damian have been cut short by the Boy Wonder inviting himself to my house. The audacity for him to just assume that I would be able to drop whatever I was doing for his dramatic reveal. I should be getting ice cream with Crane right now but instead, Silvia and I have to go home to open our doors to an uninvited guest.

    Jonathan left with Damian once I told them about the cryptic call I received from Dick. Jonathan and I debated about what would be best for him considering he couldn't come home with us and as much as he says he hates Damian, he offered to look after him for the night. Ultimately we agreed it would be best to send him home since Bruce would be coming back from his trip tomorrow.

    Silvia and I spent the car ride home betting what it was Dick needed to talk to both of us so badly about. Given that Dick doesn't know Silvia that well I said he was going to announce something boring the same way Bruce does while Silv thinks that he wants another charity donation along with an endorsement. Either way, sitting around waiting for Dick to come over was excruciatingly boring.

    "What if Dick knows about Listern Corp's new deal in Honduras?" Silvia said listing another possibility.

    "Impossible Bernie covered all of our involvement with the cartel there. It's more likely he wants to tack Wayne Enterprises' name on our initiative to provide clean water to third world countries," I said.

    Just because we are criminals doesn't mean we are monsters. I try to give back as often as possible because no one needs nearly as much money as my sister and I have.

    Ding, dong. The sound of the doorbell being rung interrupted my thoughts. I sat up from the couch and made my way to the door. I opened it and was faced with a solemn-looking Dick and Alfred. Sensing how unsettling his expression was Dick offered me a half-smile.

    "Come on in," I said opening the door wider. Both men passed me and I closed the door behind me. Our dog Blue immediately started barking as Silvia led everyone towards the dining room table. I gave Blue a look which caused him to stop barking and he hopped into my lap. Blue may not be a very threatening-looking dog but that little white dog would have attacked both of them had I instructed him to. I sat at the head of the table with Silvia at my side and Dick sat down on the opposite end of the long rectangular table with Alfred next to him. Dramatic much I thought to myself.

    "No offense but why are you here Dick. It's unlike you to make sudden house calls," I said petting Blue.

    "Alfred and I went to Philadelphia today to learn more about the disappearances of his nieces over 20 years ago," Dick said.

    Silvia and I exchanged a look. I could tell we were thinking the same thing. I doubt my dad would have ordered a hit on two women that long ago but hey I don't keep up with everyone who "suddenly disappeared". I nodded at Dick to continue hoping my suspicion was wrong. If he had killed Alfred's nieces that would result in a full investigation into an already shady enough company.

    "When we got there we met with a man who told us that he had changed their identities so that they could get away from their family," He said pausing. "Their names went from Daphne and Barbara Pennyworth to Daphne Davis and Barbara Campbell."

    "Your mother Barbara is Alfred's niece which makes the both of you his great-nieces," He said with a sigh as he crossed his hands together on top of the table.

    My sister and I shared a look of disbelief, this was certainly not what we were expecting. Our mother never spoke of her childhood and certainly did not have an accent like Alfred's. We grew up thinking all of mom's relatives had died before we were born.

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