Chapter 20 | The Crucible

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    Lex Luthor is someone that I would classify as a conman. He's had no real loyalties to anyone in the past working alongside some of my colleagues while simultaneously aiding a hero like Bruce. He's been somewhat of a free agent for years until he joined the Light. The Light's been a relatively secret agency of sorts with numerous members coming together to achieve one goal. To "enlighten" the world of the hindrance heroes provide on the progress of society as they control factors that should remain outside of humanity's control. Essentially claiming that heroes should not "play God" deciding who gets to live and who dies. It's the same argument others have made about doctors in the past this time tailoring their argument specifically to heroes.

    That being said, Lex Luthor was very accommodating to my request asking no follow-up questions after my odd request on our phone call. I had no grounds to do so as Silver but I practically demanded he get me in contact with a practicing magician. Nevertheless, he obliged and I now have a meeting with Klarion who according to Batman's file on him is the Lord of Chaos. Whatever that means. Klarion sometimes referred to as Witch Boy was another member of the Light who I have never had the pleasure of meeting. Mostly because I try to stay out of the League of Shadows and the Lights affairs knowing better than to put a target on my back. Having to deal with Batman and his entire family regularly is enough. I didn't also need other members of the Justice League meddling in my business.

    Klarion was not what I expected at all. He's rather short for a proclaimed Lord of Chaos dressed in a black tuxedo with bell sleeves fabric dangling from his wrists as he moved his long black nails. To complement his dark soulless eyes his pitch-black hair's styled to form two devil horns on each side of his head. Sitting beside him is a red-eyed ginger cat with tiger stripes across its body.

    "Are you going to keep staring or can we discuss why Lex demanded I come here?" Snapping out of my daze I didn't know where to start with my questions. The first thing out of my mouth was not my finest moment, "why do they call you the Lord of Chaos?"

    Evidently, that was not the right thing to ask Klarion. He snarled at me unimpressed by my question. I didn't think he was going to answer out of pure annoyance of my stupidity. "You demanded a meeting with me and you don't even you what a Lord of Chaos is?!" He said mumbling to himself about how stupid humans were. "Firstly, a Lord of Chaos is a species older than you girl which means I'm not THE Lord of Chaos. I'm a Lord of Chaos. Secondly, I'm sure you've heard the phrase order cannot exist without chaos. Order was practically born from it hence the war spanning throughout time and space between the Lords of Order and Chaos."

    I couldn't bring myself to mention that I had heard of Doctor Fate being a Lord of Order before but never heard of Klarion until I sought him out. I don't think he would take that information well considering how he reacted to my assumption that he was human given his defensiveness regarding his species.

    "All that aside I wanted to meet with you to discuss a recent ... development of sorts," I said unsure how to approach the topic. How do you tell a Lord of Chaos you've just met that you unintentionally burned down half a nightclub? "I set something on fire while unconscious recently," was apparently the way.

    Klarion tiled his head to the side his interest peaking for the first time since this conversation started. Knowing I now had his attention I continued, "I don't know how I did it and I have no memory of it however I know it was me deep down at least. The person who saved me from the burning building says there was a bubble for lack of a better word around me as the fire went on. Regardless of how rampant the flames became I remained protected in the bubble unscratched and completely unharmed."

    "And you had no object to aid you?" He spoke now assessing me. His cat leaving his side and walking around me as if it was performing an assessment as well. I shook my head from side to side unsure of what he meant by an object. "You mentioned you were unconscious?" I nodded and he added, "my best guess is the protection spell that you called a bubble was your body's form of self-defense in a time of need because you're a homo magi."

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