Chapter 12 | It Might Be Time

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      Batman and his third Robin replacement stood before us looking overwhelmed. I mean can I blame them for staring like they are? They probably thought we were just trying to break out Poison Ivy, not every single criminal in Arkham.

    "Well well well if it isn't the man in his little bat costume here to catch us again!" I said giggling to myself standing with Scarecrow and Aura at my side. "And his new little bird. You know bats I'm starting to wonder if I should be concerned by the number of kid brats you've gone through over the years"

    "I think the best part Silver is that they always leave him in the end but whether they end up in a body bag or not is the real fun" Aura said like it was just us talking to each other. I could tell she had struck a nerve by bringing up the billionaire's dead ward but hey it's not our fault that Jason's dead. Oh, wait yes it is, I was the one who gave Joker the whole plan to catch him. I really should put that on my resume or something.

    Behind me, I could hear the screams of guards getting slaughtered by some of Gotham's worst criminals. Honestly, I don't know what they expected thinking they could stay and fight. If I was them I would run away, you won't catch me risking my life for like minimum wage. "Aura, Crow I am so bored by this interaction I am thinking about a resume I don't even need," I said laughing at myself again, I am a billionaire for christ's sake why would I of all people need a resume.

    I started to walk towards Batman and Robin, not even bothering to walk quickly. "You aren't going anywhere Silver" Batman finally spoke as he charged towards me. "Here's the thing," I said as I dodged his punch. "There's nothing you can do to stop me." I used all my body weight to jump forward and use my hands to spring myself over his shoulders. Turning to face him I said, "Look ahead there are hundreds of criminals coming right this second."

    "As someone with morals or whatever the fuck I think you have to stop them from actually escaping" He turned away from the beautiful scene in front of us and started throwing punches at me left and right. In the corner of my eye, I could see Robin holding his own against my sister and Scarecrow.

    "Or we can keep doing this cute little dance that we do where you fail to catch me again and let everyone else escape," I said giving him the illusion of choice. Everyone knows self-righteous Batman would never let so many of Arkham's favorite patients leave. Not when they could hurt his precious little citizens. Even he knew it which is why I didn't even bother bringing half of my weapons tonight because I knew I would win.

    "I won't let you get away with this" Batman said his eyes narrowing at me as he began to back up slightly. "The real pity Bruce is you say that every single time and yet you always do," I said in response with a smirk.

    I turned my back to him and began to walk away from Arkham towards actual civilization not even bothering to tell Aura or Scarecrow I was leaving. "I thought you called yourself a hero!" I said with a shout as I continued to walk away.

    "Silv you bitch stop walking so fast we can't keep up!" I heard my sister say from behind me. I turned and waited briefly for them to catch up. "It's such a bummer we couldn't stay till the end of the party and watch Bats get his ass kicked," Crane said.

    "It'd be such a shame if I hacked into Arkham's security footage and sent every single media network in the city the live footage of what's going on there right now," Aura said with a smile that would scare even the devil.

    "What a shame that would be," Crane said with an equally scary smile stepping between my sister and me to link arms with us as we continued to walk down


     After our little trip to Arkham, I haven't gone out to wreak havoc on Gotham in a few weeks. It's been fun for me to see all the news outlets report on how I'm now missing. The people of Gotham act like they hate us criminals but when we aren't out blowing shit up they miss us. I think it's just because everyone in this city is fucked in the head but I won't lie it is boosting my ego.

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