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I was sitting in the coffee shop alone when someone else came in.I didn't really care to look I put in my headphones and listened to music for a while and I finally looked up to see who had came in.. It was Jaden I don't think he saw me yet so I quickly got my stuff and walked out I had left my car down the road at the beach so I had to walk there. I was still walking but I heard Jaden calling me from far behind I don't look so that he thought I was someone else but I heard footsteps like doing running at me so I started jogging the footsteps were getting closer and I was on a full sprint. As I was running I managed to take out my keys and unlock my car but before I could get there Jaden caught up to me and wrapped his arms to stop me from running.And it felt nice in a way but still very weird considering I was just running away from him.

Jaden: Amanda stop
A: what do you want Jaden?!
Jaden: well first off the project that's due on Tuesday and second why were you running from me
A: ...
Jaden: well?
A: I finished the project
Jaden: all by yourself?
A: yea so
Jaden: it was a group project
A: why does it matter to you anyways, WHY?
Jaden: i umm
A: WHY PICK ME FOR THE PROJECT WE DON'T KNOW EACH OTHER! YOU ARE THE JOCK WHO HOOKS UP WITH DIFFERENT GIRLS EACH WEEK, so why Jaden, did you want a good grade for class, if so why does it matter if I did it alone.
Jaden: ....
I scoffed because he had nothing to say
A: I'll drop off a copy of the paper so you can look it over but if that's it I'm leaving
Jaden stood there quiet and in shock so I got in my car and left
As a was driving a thought about hours he had wrapped his arms around me and how if felt nice for a second, but I know he just sleeps around with girls and then leaves them.   Anyways.. When I got home I printed out an extra copy of the paper I put it in an envelope and drove to sway to drop it off .

Why me   - A Jaden Hossler storyWhere stories live. Discover now