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...Josh: your still coming with me

A: whatever just don't expect anything out of me...

At around 7 Josh and I got to sway, Josh rang the door bell as I dragged behind him not wanting to be there. Blake answered the door and greeted us

Blake: hey guys

Josh: what up

A: hey.

Blake: come in

Blake let us in and lead us to their living room where the rest of the boys were, josh said hi and did all his handshakes with the boys and I stayed back staying quiet.

Blake: Amanda can I talk to you

A: sure?

Blake took me to another room where the boys couldn't hear us

B: what's wrong?

A: nothing

B: no like actually

A: I'm just tired

B: wrong answer try again

A: really, no not today

"Wrong answer, try again" Is what Blake and I say to each other when we are basically calling out each other's bullshit and saying we aren't going to let the situation go. We started it the first time Blake and I talked about how I hated josh in the past. You can't get out of "wrong answer, try again" so your forced to tell the truth.

B: yes today

A: I don't want to be here, josh is here to
make amends with Jaden and I'm not

B: you don't want to talk to Jaden?

A: no.. and with the whole closet thing- .. fuck I've said to much.

B: closet thing? what happened!

A: today Jaden pulled me into a closet at school told me he liked me and he was sorry but it was all crap

B: why was it crap?

A: because after his friends were laughing and it was just all a joke, I mean you know Jaden it's not like him to say that

B: I think you should talk to him now bc if josh brought you he's not leaving until you do, if it does work out I'll personally keep Jaden away from you

A: fine.

Blake and I walked back to the rest but I still dragged behind him. In the living room I saw josh and Jaden laughing together with the other boys. When Jaden saw me he came up to me...

(A/n: 2 chapters in a day.had to make up because I haven't been consistent.)

Why me   - A Jaden Hossler storyWhere stories live. Discover now