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...During the car ride I had been opening my phone debating whether or not I should text josh and I was also kinda hoping he would text me

C: Ayo you good? You've been staring at your phone since we got into the car
A: oh umm yea I don't know it's stupid
C: what's wrong?
A: I don't know, I'm trying to figure out if I should text josh and see how he is, but at the same time I'm hoping for a text from him
C: I think you should ask to talk in person, because texting won't work it out fully
A: that.. actually sound great. Thank you Cynthia for like everything
C: Yea for sure, and not trying to be invasive or anything but do you wanna hang out today since I'm kinda already skipping
A: OMG I forgot about school! But yesss! It be great to hang out with a girl since I only hang out with Blake

We both laughed then headed to my house.Once we got to my house there was a car in my driveway and I knew my dad wasn't home.

C: is your dad home?
A: no, that's not his car
C: do you know who's it is?
A: nope never seen that car in the neighborhood. Do we go in?
C: I have pepper spray
A: ok uhh let's go around the back

We walked to the back of the house and I grabbed one of the shovels from the garden. I unlocked the back door and we went in quickly. We searched all the rooms and all that was left was the kitchen and living room area. As we were about to enter the kitchen someone walked out in front of us scaring us, causing us to scream and Cynthia used pepper spray on them


When they screamed I realized it was.....

Why me   - A Jaden Hossler storyWhere stories live. Discover now