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I looked to meet the eyes of JADEN HOSSLER

A: hi umm
Jaden: Jaden and here you go
A: thanks um sorry  I'm Amanda
Jaden: nice to meet you Amanda 😏
A: yea you too Jaden  i- I'm gonna go now

You make sure you have all your things then rush out of the cafeteria and go to the library

Omg what just happened and he gave a smirk like WHAT?! You know what the day is almost over by tomorrow it will be like nothing happened

The bell rang and you went to your last class of the day which was history  again you sat in the towards the back of class when you noticed Jaden walk into class he sat a couple seats behind you

I wasn't really paying attention to class but I felt eyes on me I turned back and saw Jaden staring at me  I tried to shake it off and stated to pay attention to class when he said we would have a partner project to begin the school year he started pairing up students by who they were sitting next to. I got paired with a girl who sat next to me and I was fine with that but Jaden spoke up and asked if he could switch partners.

Jaden: Mr.Roberts can I switch partners
Mr.R: And who would you want to be with then Mr. Hossler?

Jaden looked around and when he looked at me he smirked "if you don't mind I'd like to work with Amanda"   Umm I'm sorry what

Mr.R: okay then Jaden and Amanda will work together and Jocelyn and Michael can work together
Jaden, Jocelyn and Michael: ok
Mr.R: Amanda is something wrong?
A: no sorry

After class I rushed out of class and started walking to my car  but before I could get in I heard Jaden call out my name I pretended not to hear him as I struggled to get in my car

Jaden: hey Amanda wait up
A: oh sorry I didn't hear you
Jaden: it cool can I see you phone really quick
A: I guess?
Jaden: I added my phone number so we can work on the project
A: yeah okay well I'm gonna go now so bye
Jaden: yea I'll see you

You drove home and when you got there you were greeted by your dad

Dad: hi honey
A: hi dad
Dad: how was school ?
A: oh it was fine pretty boring I could say
Dad: oh well did you see you brother?
A: actually no i didn't see him
Dad: oh okay well I'm going out to the office I'll be back  later tonight
A: oh okay I might have someone over for a school project but I don't know yet
Dad: okay honey bye I love you
A: love you too dad

"Okay okay look I know I should have told my dad about josh but I just couldn't after we lost my mom my dad was a wreck and when josh left he was even worse so I didn't want to tell him yet"

Why me   - A Jaden Hossler storyWhere stories live. Discover now