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... When I started waking up I had a pounding headache, I tried getting up but I had a sharp pain in my stomach and couldn't sit up. I lifted up my shirt and saw a bandage wrapped around my torso as I examined my stomach a lady walked in.

NJ: Hello Amanda, I'm your Nurse Jacklyn but you can call me Jackie, so it seem you might have a slight concussion and you have a bruised abdomin that why you fell pain in your stomach. But no need to worry you going to be fine we just need to keep you overnight for observations
A: okay, um if you don't mind do you know what happened?
??: your dumbass got in between 2 idiots who were fighting over you

It was Blake, he was standing at the door frame smiling

NJ:  I'm going to go but I'll be back later to check up on you
A:  ok thank you

Blake came over and sat next to my bed

B: so how are you feeling
A: Not so great I can barely sit up and I have a headache

Blake got some pillows and placed them behind my back and helped me sit up

B:  Better?
A:  yeah thanks
B:  so what happened
A:  I don't really know the last thing I remember was Jaden and I talking then Josh came over
B:  that's it?
A:  yea

Then Blake got a notification on his phone and he checked it. He seemed to have opened up something I think he was watching a video. His sound was on and then I knew he was watching the fight. I heard the cheering and yelling coming from his phone even though he lowered the volume.
STOP! JADEN STOP! I was yelling repeatedly over all the noise of people yelling, GET OFF OF HI-
my yelling stopped and all the cheering went to oooohs. The teachers were yelling at everyone when the video cut off
I tried so hard to remember what happened when all the memories started flashing back.
Josh: she said leave her alone... ...Jaden: your just a stranger remember!.....
... Jaden was on top of josh, and all I saw was joshes bloody face and him being to a point of almost passing out with his face being punched back and forth...

Author note:
Again sorry for not posting but I'm going to try and get 2 chapters out today then go back to my normal schedule of one chapter every two days

Why me   - A Jaden Hossler storyWhere stories live. Discover now