№37|Loved You Since The Beginning

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№37|Loved You Since The Beginning
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“Hi little pup…” Medusa crouched down beside a little kid, “can you tell me your name?”

“Valkyrie.” The little pup muttered, wrapping up in the blanket Medusa passed her.

“Last name?” Medusa asked, writing down her name on the list before looking through the binders.

“Smirnov.” Valkyrie replied, looking around for her parents. “Where’s mama and papa?”

“Valkyrie!” A woman cheered, running towards Valkyrie and embracing her in a warm hug. “I thought they sold you!” The mother held Valkyrie in her arms.

“Did you find her?” A gruff voice asked as he rushed into the tent, smiling as he crouched down beside Valkyrie. “Hi, my little tike.”

“Papa!! Mama!!” Valkyrie cried into her parents arms.

“Thank you, Luna.” The mother thanked, kissing Medusa’s hand. “We haven’t seen our child in months! Now we can finally go back home to our pack.”

“What was your pack’s name?” Medusa asked.

“Romanov.” The father, Borya, replied.

Medusa smiled, holding the binder close to her chest. “Lucky for you three, Endar and Katya are here so you can talk to them about returning to the pack.”

“I don’t know… do you think they’ll let us back?” The mother’s, Mila, voice grew weary.

“Once a wolf enters a pack, it’s their home. The pack becomes their family.” Barron said, walking over to the family. He kissed the top of Medusa's head. “And family doesn't leave family behind.”

Mila nodded as she picked Valkyrie in her arms. Her and Borya walked over to Endar and Katya. Endar, Katya, Borya, and Mila laughed and conversed as though the small family of three never left.

“Good to know…” Medusa muttered, opening her notebook as she began observing the wolves' actions. “So there’s no repercussions for wolves that go missing from the pack? Does that apply to rouges as well?” She asked, looking up at Barron.

The alpha shook his head. “No, rogues are banished from their pack; missing wolves are like lost souls trying to find their way home.”

Barron glanced down at the binder filled with the Candyland Wolves. “How many have been reunited with their packs?”

“A lot, but there’s still a lot of rogues and special cases that won't be accepted back into their packs.” Medusa flipped through the pages of the binder. “Not to mention all the pups whose parents died in Candyland.”

Barron scanned over the names. “Tonight we’ll look over the names and see which ones we can accept into the packs. Maybe some of the other alphas might want to let them join too.”

Medusa kissed his cheek. “You’re always so generous.”

“You think so?” Barron asked.

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