№38|What Did You Do?!

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№38|What Did You Do?!
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Medusa dropped the binder on Barron's desk, plopping down in his chair as Barron opened the door to welcome all the Alpha and their Lunas.

“Medusa,” Camila growled, “it’s 3am…” her growling deepened, “there better be a damn good reason why I’m up!”

“U-Um… Cami-Camila…” Medusa stammered, slumping down in her chair when Camila slammed her hand down on Barron’s desk.

“Sorry about Camila.” Alfonzo chuckled nervously. “She’s a little tense early in the morning. My Luna isn’t a morning person.” Alfonzo leaned in for a kiss, but was greeted by a low growl.

“Too damn early for this shit…” Camila snarled, trying to walk off, but was caught by her mate’s strong arms wrapping around her waist.

“Hermosa (gorgeous),” he purred in her ear, “let’s hear what the Luna has to say.”

“Couldn’t you wait till morning?” Camila muttered, sitting down in one of the chairs as she pulled Alfonzo into her lap.

“No-” he was cut off by another growl from his mate. He attempted to get up, but Camila wasn’t letting him go anytime soon.

“Stay.” She muttered into his shoulder.

“Okay…” Alfonzo smiled, stroking her hair, “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Anyways,” Medusa chuckled, flipping open the binder, “the reason I summoned you here this morning is because we still have a lot of lost wolves who won't be accepted back into their packs, and a lot of rogue wolves.”

“And?” Ambrocio asked.

“I wanted to talk to you about accepting said wolves in your packs.” Medusa said, folding her hands over the binder.

“You want us to accept rogues into our pack? Are you insane!” Dayo scolded. “Last time I checked... isn’t Julius a rogue?” Dayo tapped his chin. “Oh yeah! And look what happened there!”

“I know it’s a big favor, but these wolves need homes,” Medusa flipped to a particular page, “take this wolf for example,” she held up the picture for all to see, “his name is Wilbur, he was banished from his pack for hurting the Luna-”

“He did what?” Endar glared at her.

“Yes, he hurt the Luna… he regrets even laying a single finger on her, but-” Medusa began, soon getting cut off again.

“You must be insane if you think I’m letting in some wolf who laid their hands on a Luna.” Olly scoffed.

“He isn’t a bad wolf... he’s a very experienced Hunter,” she looked up at Endar, “aren’t you low on Hunters?”

“We-Well… be tha-that as it may…” Endar stammered, looking away from Medusa.

Katya walked over to the desk, taking a gander at Wilbur’s file. “He looks qualified. He has a fabulous hunting record!”

Endar looked over Katya’s shoulder at his file, “hm… his speed isn’t that bad either… a nice 90mph is really good.”

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