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Piper gasped loudly, falling down on the floor of the box. Kirkland held her close, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. “Should we make it a solid 5 rounds?” Kirkland purred in her ear.

“Maybe later I’m a little sore from rounds 2 and 4… and I think we scared Medusa.” She giggled, looking up at Medusa who sat at her desk.

“WHAT?!” Medusa yelled, noise canceling headphones over her head.

Kirkland pointed to his ear, signaling Medusa to remove the headphones. “You horn dogs done yet?”

“Yes,” Kirkland chuckled, passing Piper her hoodie. It covered all of her lady parts. “Sorry if we disturbed you, Medusa.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Pipey. I’ve been here for almost ½ a year now so I’m used to wolves doing it in public sometimes…” Medusa chuckled, standing to her feet. She felt around, but right then everything was black.

“Medusa, I thought you could see through your snakes?” Kirkland questioned.

“I placed a hat over my snakes while y'all were doing it…” She felt on top of her head, taking off a giant floppy sun hat.

Medusa sighed in delight, running her fingers through her snakes. “That’s better.” 

Medusa eyed Piper. “I know you don’t want to… but you have to go before-”

Before Medusa could finish, Barron walked into the room, glaring daggers at Kirkland. “What… the fuck… IS THIS?!” The alpha roared.

“Barron, calm down,” Medusa walked over to him, resting her hand on his bicep, “they haven’t seen each other in years. She’s his mate.”

“What?!” Barron looked at Medusa as though she had a 2nd head. “A wolf like him could never have a mate!”

“Barron!” Medusa pulled him towards her computer, showing him the data. “Look! Look at those endorphin levels!” Medusa pointed at the screen. “It was high when they saw each other, but when they were together in that box it skyrocketed to levels I didn’t even know were humanly possible!”

“Okay, so?”

“It halted the virus!” Medusa’s eyes sparkled. “That’s the key! High endorphin levels!”

Barron growled at Kirkland. “You’re lucky your horny ass helped up get to a cure,” Barron slammed his hand on the box, “but hurt Piper and I’ll have your head mounted to the wall!”

Kirkland nodded quickly, hiding behind Piper. She chuckled, stroking his hair. “He understands… don’t you Kirkland?”

Kirkland nodded. “Yes… and I’m sorry for what I did in the past… I know a simple sorry won’t be enough, but I hope one day you can please forgive me.”

Medusa smiled. “You’re right. A simple sorry won't be enough… but it’s a start.” She opened the door, eying Piper. “Come on… you gotta go.”

Kirkland whimpered, catching Piper’s wrist. “Please stay…”

“I’ll be back soon,” Piper kissed his nose, “okay?”

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