№19|Werewolf Court

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№19|Werewolf Court
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Barron watched in dread as the sun began to set. It was only a matter of time before Werewolf Court would begin.

Barron had been in many, many, werewolf courts before, but this time was different.

Something about this one court session made Barron anxious. It seemed too... perfect.

Why would Kirkland take them all on his own?

Was there something he didn't know?

The questions were racking his brain. He sighed and rubbed his temple. Walking over to the mini bar he looked up at the family portrait.

He softly placed the glass down on his desk. “So what did you think of Medusa?” He asked the painting above him.

He sighed, shaking his head. He knew they couldn't answer.

She's really sweet. His mother's voice made Barron freeze.

He slowly turned around to see his parents standing in spirit form. His mother's smiling face brightened up the room while his father’s laughter filled his heart with cheer.

“Hey champ.” Ulysses tried to ruffle his hair, but it went right through him. “So, a researcher? I didn’t think that’s who the Moon Goddess would set you up with, but she’s great nonetheless.”

“How are you here?” Barron was starstruck. He hadn’t seen his parents in so long.

Before his mother could answer, Barron rushed swiftly and opened the door, shouting; “Medusa! Come here! You gotta see this!”

Medusa walked into the room, a questionable look on her face. “What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Look! They’re here!” Barron pointed to his parents. “You can finally meet them!”

All Medusa saw was an empty room. She sighed, shaking her head. “No, honey. There’s nobody there.” She rested a hand on his bicep. “I think your nerves are getting to you.”

Barron shook his head rapidly. “No, it’s not!” He walked over to his mom. “Can't you see her, Medus?”

“No,” Medusa held his hand, “but if you say they’re there, then I trust you.” She smiled at the desk. “Hello, Missus Whiteclad. Pleasure to meet you.”

“She’s talking to a desk.” Enyo sweatdropped.

“She’s over here.” Barron turned Medusa around to face Enyo.

“Hi, hun.” Enyo giggled, waving at Medusa.

“She says hi.” Barron reiterated. Medusa waved back. She found it weird that she couldn’t see her.

“She’s perfect for you,” Enyo sighed in delight. She was happy knowing that her son finally found his mate. “A smart and strong girl. A perfect luna.”

“You think so, mom?” Barron chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Sure!” Ulysses tilted his head at Medusa. “Your auras are in line and not to mention her smell of peppermint and cypress smells good.”

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