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Kirkland paced back and forth in his mind. Ever since he got infected, his mind became a prison for him and his wolf.

“She was right there! Right fucking there!” Kirkland growled, his pace quickening.

“I know, I know.” His wolf walked towards him, trying to calm him down. “But at least we saw her… I mean, that has to count for something.”

Kirkland sighed, sitting down in the black pool of darkness that acted as the floor in his personal prison. “Time’s been good to her…” He chuckled, his mind drifting back to the encounter with the australian beta.

It was almost as if he could still feel the warmth of her skin underneath his fingers. He could feel the slinkiness of her blond hair. He could hear her australian drawl ring though his ears as his name fell off her lips.

“Time has been good to her,” his wolf curled up next to him, “I just wish it was good to us too…”

Kirkland sighed, petting his wolf. “Don’t we all…” He watched in agony as the wolf on the outside bashed up against the box once again, drawing blood from his forehead.

Kirkland pressed his fingers on his forehead, looking at his hands to see blood. His wolf got up from its spot, licking Kirkland’s forehead to help the wound heal faster. While the two were locked in Kirkland’s mind, him and his wolf began to grow closer.

“Don’t worry,” he licked Kirkland’s cheek, “she’ll be ours soon. I just know it.”


“...oh! And this one is a prince Dalaja! Isn’t that exciting?” Her mother pointed to the picture of the young man.

Dalaja, Ishaan, and Chaaya were aboard a fancy jet to take them to the summit in North America. Along the way, her mother took it upon herself to show Dalaja more potential mating options. However, Dalaja – as usual – was the least bit interested in the men her mother chose for her. Her mind was transfixed on the man from her dreams the previous night.

Ever since she woke up from her dream, she couldn’t get him out of her head! Everything about him was fascinating to Dalaja. Even though she couldn’t fully see him, his actions were what fascinated her the most. He could have left her in the snow to die of frostbite, but he didn’t. His heat melted all the harsh cold she felt in her body as well as all the loneliness.

She frowned when she remembered she never got his name. As if not being able to see him wasn’t enough. She sighed softly, turning back to her mother. “What…? Oh, yeah, he seems great. Set it up.” She replied nonchalantly, her mind drifting back to the man in her dreams.

Meanwhile at the Whiteclad Pack, Alistair and Ayame received the news of their parents' arrival.

“WHAT?!” Alistair and Ayame yelled simultaneously.

Yvette yipped, hiding behind Lawrence. “I told you they get mad…” She muttered.

“Shona, I’m not mad at you.” Alistair pulled her out from behind Lawrence, kissing the top of her head. “Our parents are… very traditional.”

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