№9|It's Always A Price With You Isn't It?

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№9|It’s Always A Price With You Isn't It?
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Dr. Lycia looked at the report in her hands and sighed. “Kwame,” she looked up from the report, “saying you ‘dying of my love for you’ is not a reason to come in.”

“Last time I checked, dying  is a very serious issue. You don't want me to die do you LyLy?” Kwame fake gasped, her hand on her heart.

“At times I do.” Dr. Lycia gave the wolf a deadpanned look.

“You don't mean that LyLy,” Kwame wrapped her arms around her, “you know you love me~”

“A-As i-if!” the doctor’s cheeks turned slightly red. Even a little thing like a blush gave Kwame and her wolf hope that the doctor would soon be hers, “I-I’d rat-rather date gravel!”

Kwame chuckled, pinching her cheeks. “You’re so cute when you're stubborn.”

Dr. Lycia puffed up her cheeks, “I am a doctor. I don't appreciate being called ‘cute’.”

“If you don't want me to call you cute, then why’d you puff up your cheeks? That makes you even cuter!” Kwame gushed, bringing the doctor in for a hug.

“I hate you!”

“You love me~”

If you were to ask the doctor if she loved Kwame she’d deny till days end, but deep down… Dr. Lycia really did love the wolf.

Of course I love you, Kwame! Dr. Lycia shook her head, “shut up…”

“What was that?”

I love you! I love you! I love you! Dr. Lycia growled, shaking her head even more, “be quiet…”

“Okay…” Kwame was a little suspicious but she knew Dr. Lycia would keep saying she was fine even though she clearly wasn’t, “I’m gonna get going, see you later my delicious doctor~”

Dr. Lycia watched as Kwame walked away, slumping down in her chair when she was finally gone. “Four simple words… I’ve done brain surgery on thousands of people but I can't say 4 simple words to a wolf…”

She looked up at the ceiling. “How could she love someone as pathetic as me…?”


It’s been over 4 months since Kirkland has tried to cause any trouble towards the little group of wolves. They thought they were safe, that was until Ayame was checking the weapons created to find something was wrong.

“NO!!!” She shouted on the top of her lungs.

Hearing it all the way from the courtyard, Lawrence quickly stopped play fighting with the other betas and ran towards the weapons room to see Ayame pulling out packing peanuts from a large crate, “it’s not in here!”

“What’s wrong, my love? I heard your scream all the way from the courtyard.” Lawrence sifted back into his human form, watching as Ayame frantically looked around.

“It’s gone!” Ayame opened up another crate, fighting though the packing peanuts to see it was empty, “all the weapons! They’re gone! And now I can't find my grandmother’s sword either!”

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