№32|Tick... Tick... Tock...

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№32|Tick… Tick… Tock…
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Ayame skipped towards the Alpha quarters, smiling as she carried designs for a new weapon to show the alpha couple. Knocking on the door with a cheery beat, Medusa opened it, seeming out of breath and her hair disheveled.

“Oh thank the gods you're here, Ayame.” Medusa hugged her tightly.

“What’s wrong?” Ayame questioned. Medusa looked up from Ayame’s chest.

“I love Barron, I really do, but lately we’ve been doing it all over the place and my legs can’t take it anymore.” Medusa leaned against the wall, running her fingers through her snakes. “So can you and Lawrence go in there and talk to him while I nap in Chelia’s room?”

“Um… sure.” Ayame smiled, patting the Luna’s shoulder. “Anything for you, Luna.”

“Ayame, please, you’re my friend. Medusa is fine.” She smiled sweetly before rushing towards Chelia’s room.

Ayame quickly contacted Lawrence with her telepathic communication mates shared, and entered the room. Barron walked out of the bathroom, a towel around his wait. “Where are you Luna~” he cooed, rubbing his hair dry with a towel.

“No Luna, just me and Lawrence.” Ayame plopped down on the disheveled bed. “Barron do you have any air freshener? It smells like sex in here.”

Lawrence went into the cabinet and sprayed the room with a light air freshener. It gave the room the smell of a fresh summer field.

“How did you know where that was?” Ayame whispered.

“Before Medusa, Barron was a little playboy, so I always had to go into town to buy air freshener. He insisted on getting the “Moonlight Breeze” one.” Lawrence explained, spraying it on Barron.

He rolled his eyes. “Sue me. I like the smell because... it reminds me of my mom…” he frowned slightly.

“Yeah, the Luna always had a scent that made everyone smile.” Lawrence chuckled, intertwining his fingers with Ayame’s.

“So… Medusa tells me you and her have been doing it a lot. What’s that all about?” Ayame smirked slyly at the alpha. “You trying to get some early pups?”

“No, not yet, it’s just… a part of me loves her so anytime I make love to her is amazing, but a part of me is just worried I might lose her so I’m soaking up every little piece of her before she’s gone.” Barron plopped down in his recliner chair. “And it doesn't help that everytime we rest I hear the ticking…”

“The bomb?” Lawrence muttered loud enough for them to hear.

“Yes,” Barron raked his fingers through his hair, “I just want it out but there’s no way the surgery can happen when Julius is constantly watching us. Not to mention the dragons being here…” Barron buried his face in his hands. “It’s just all so stressful, but when I’m with her… it all goes away.”

Lawrence crouched down beside him. “We’ll get the bomb out, and no dragons are coming anywhere near the Luna.”

“Thanks, Lawrence,” Barron hugged him softly, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

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