chapter 13: another daydream

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The president leads me through her exceptionally large dorm. She stops by a table near a window and turns around to smile at me, "Ta-da! I got a new fish!" She points at a fancy fish bowl that looks more expensive than my net worth. In the bowl sit two gorgeous fish. One is a slender, blue one, that had a cold look similar to the president's eyes. It was accompanied by a smaller fish with sparkly, purple scales who was following the larger fish around. This is what she wanted to show me?

"Wow, president, they're so pretty! Which one is the new one?" I ask with a confused smile. She taps her blue acrylic nail lightly against the glass, "The cute purple one." The purple fish continued to excitedly follow around the blue fish. "I see..." I bend over to get a better look at them. "Well?" the president asked, nudging her elbow gently into my side. "W-well what, president?" Is she asking for my opinion on them?

"Well, don't you recognize them?" her eyes sparkled as she asked. Huh? Do I recognize them? I don't think that I've ever seen these fish before. What is she talking about? "U-um, I don't believe that I do, president." She let out a light giggle and pointed at the blue fish, "That one is me," she pointed at the purple fish, "and that one is you! Get it?" She sounds like an excited child exclaiming some adorable nonsense. My heart softens from hearing the cheesy yet wholesome remark that the cold student council president had just made.

I blush as I watch the fish playfully press their lips together. "Oh, would you look at that! Sayaka, look! They're kissing!" the president exclaimed as she placed her hand on top of mine. My body feels warm and my heart begins to beat rapidly again. I zone out from embarrassment as I watch the fish play in awe. I then feel something cold and soft gently pressing against my cheek. Wait, is this what I think it is? The president is kissing my cheek?! Her hand grips mine as she pulls back from the kiss and smirks at me, "See, just like the fish! Although, I would rather kiss somewhere else." She places her slender finger on my lips and watches in amusement as I try to process what happened.

she's a lady ~ kirari & sayakaWhere stories live. Discover now