chapter 6: this fleeting feeling

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"Sayaka, please stay." the president said with her usual smile, but with softer eyes. "Oh, president I wouldn't want to bother yo-" She stood up with her hand still on mine and interrupted me, "You could never bother me even if you tried. Besides it's a Friday night and I have no plans," she continued as she looked into my eyes, "Also, don't you think it's about time we spend some time together out of school?" I can feel my cheeks growing red as she finishes her sentence. "W-w-well," I stuttered. She quickly said, "Obviously, only if you're free and willing too though." There's no way this is really happening, I must be dreaming.

"I-if it's really alright with you, then I would be more than happy to stay, president." I tried to hide the shake in my voice. The president slowly took her hand off mine and replied with a cute smile, "Very well then. Come with me, we can relax over here." She began walking over to where her bed was as I followed obediently. She sat down on the edge and signaled for me to sit beside her. I was a little nervous to be sitting on the president's actual bed, but I tried to push my nerves aside.

As soon as I sat down she quickly grabbed my hand again, and I jumped lightly. She appeared to be examining my hand? "Sayaka, you have such pretty hands." she said while staring at my hand. "U-uh thank you, president." I replied hesitantly. That was a rather odd compliment, but if it's coming from the president I'll take anything I can get. Still holding my hand close to her face, she looked up at me. "How come you never paint your nails, Sayaka?" she asked thoughtfully. "Um, I guess I just don't have enough free time with school." I responded, a little caught off guard by the question.

The president tilted her head slightly and asked excitedly, "Then, will you please let me paint your nails?" Oh my god, she's too cute. "Are you sure?" I ask shakily. "Oh, Sayaka," she sighed, "once again this is the least I can do for you. You're always touching up my nails when needed." I tried to hide the over-excitement in my voice as I replied, "Okay, okay, you win." It's kind of odd to see her so excited over something as little as this, but it sure is adorable. She looked into my eyes as she exclaimed, "Oh! That reminds me. I just bought a new nail polish bottle because it's color reminded me of your pretty eyes!"

First off, she bought something because it reminded her of me? Second, she thinks my eyes are pretty? If I wasn't noticeably blushing before, then I definitely am now. I know if I try to talk I'm going to be a stuttering mess, but I manage a meek, "I-is that so?" She gently placed my hand back down as she stood up. "Yes! Wait right here, I'm going to go get it." she said as she walked over to her bathroom. Why is she being so kind to me? It's like she's a completely different person outside of work. I didn't think she even thought of me for a second unless it was work-related. However, I suppose I was mistaken.

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