chapter 23: further i go

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"You are my supernova, Sayaka Igarashi."

The words rolled off of her tongue as if they had been waiting to come out the entire night.  The smirk that had been tucking on each end of her lips for the majority of the night finally settled into a soft smile. 

I've never seen this expression of hers before... She looks so soft that she almost looks as innocent as her twin sister.


I begin to stammer until I feel a cold finger gently press against my lips, hushing me.  The president grips my waist with her other hand, pulling me into her even more.  Naturally, I tighten my grip around her neck.

I feel tears forming at the corners of my eyes.  She takes the palm of her hand, that was just pressing against my mouth, and slides it over to my jawline.  She holds my cheek as if it is the most delicate thing in the world. 

"Call me Kirari,"

I feel her hand softly tilt my head upwards so that my lips meet her own.  I am incredibly perplexed and can't help but gasp as I feel her lips press into mine.  However, I naturally close my eyes and reciprocate the kiss with warm tears rolling down my cheeks.

Her lips are soft and she is gentle with me, as she always is.  She slides her hand down a bit lower on my waist, and she smoothly moves her right leg slightly in between my own trembling ones.  I pull her in closer to me and subconsciously stand up on the tips of my toes. 

It feels as if the world around us has stopped.  Nothing can be heard besides the faint chirps of crickets and our soft pants in between each kiss. 

We both pull away from the passionate kiss that I wish could have lasted forever.  We are both breathing heavily, trying to catch our breath.  I am shocked to see that the presidents face is dusted with the perfect shade of pink.

No words are exchanged as she pulls me into a hug, burying her face into my ponytail.  Who would have thought that THE Kirari Momobami was even capable of getting slightly bashful. 

"I must say..." the president begins, "It worries me how good of a kisser you are."

I blush and let out a small, embarrassed laugh, "Trust me, you're my first..."

she's a lady ~ kirari & sayakaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ