chapter 15: as long as you're next to me

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Once we got back to her room I realized that it was actually quite late.  Time sure does fly when I'm with her.  I would give absolutely anything to stop time and live in this moment forever.  The president walked over to her bed and flopped on her back.  It was odd seeing the president do something as human as flopping onto a bed; however, it was the most graceful flop I've ever seen. 

"Come, dear, don't be shy," she says, staring at her ceiling.  I climb into her bed and lay on my back next to her.  "Sayaka, tell me more about yourself." she said, still staring at her ceiling.  "Oh u-uh...are you sure?  I don't want to bore you, president."  She looked over at me and we made eye contact.  "Sayaka, I truly do find you remarkable.  You know so much about me, however, I hardly know anything about you."  Before breaking eye contact and staring at the ceiling again, she smiles at me. 

"U-uh okay...I don't really know what to say, elementary and middle school I was continuously bullied for multiple reasons; henceforth, I drowned it all out with my studies.  As a result of that, as cliché as this sounds, I began to feel more and more numb as time went on." I continue to mindlessly ramble, "That was until I met you, president.  Once you came into my life, I was instantly drawn to you.  When I'm with you...I-I'm just so happy." I smile to myself which is followed by a sigh, "T-that was so cheesy, I'm so sorry."

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