coming home

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Still wins POV before he came back

Wins POV

On the way back I came up with the idea to surprise bright. I knew he probably missed me and that he was still angry or miserable. So instead of just showing up and texting him, I'll surprise him.

In the back of my mind I also want to do it so if he did find someone else I can walk in on it instead of him hiding it from me.

The drive was long and I even had to stop at a hotel just to catch some sleep. It took a whole day but I was able to make it back to my house . I decided to freshen myself up and mentally prepare myself to see bright again.

I called a cab to come get me. I didnt want my car to alarm bright that I was there. Once we got close I asked the driver to drop me off a block away from brights house. My heart was still racing and I was still nervous to see him. This could go so many different ways. He could either be overjoyed or furious.

I mean I dont know how I'd feel if bright left for a week over a misunderstanding. I'd be happy hes back but angry that he left in the first place without talking to me. Me and bright havent gotten in any major disagreements. Just small ones like what soccer team was the best, or what type of music was the worst.

I wanted out relationship to be healthy. Even before we dated, over the time I always wanted to be honest with him. Minus telling him how I felt about him.

Beside that I've seen how my parents were. I've always admired how they communicated with eachother over everything, how they solved their problems, how they were always eachothers #1. That's what I want with bright, and that's the exact reason why I'm not going to let anyone destroy what we have. That man already has my whole heart.

While I was walking I was coming up with things to say to him once we finally met again. But while I approached the house I noticed and unfamiliar car in his driveway. I got closer and I could see someone inside just sitting.

I'm guessing they spotted me and they came out the car. When they turned around, anger filled my whole body and my blood was boiling. Not this obsessive manic.

"Well, if it isn't the man who left his so called boyfriend" he came closer with a smug look on his face.
"What're you doing here first?" I asked
"The same thing you're here......right?" He smiled and turned away back to his car.
"I'm pretty sure bright wants nothing to do with you. I've heard the stories and I've seen him break down myself. You're the last person he would want to see." I decided I needed to be fierce and confident. Like I said before nothing is breaking us up

"How would you know he doesnt want to see've been gone for what......a week now?" I gulped and looked away.
"Mhmm....I guess that tells me I'm right" he chuckled
"You're not" I yelled "I love bright and he loves me more than he ever did're nothing to him now" he came up to me and shoved me causing me to trip over myself shoe and fall
"He loves me......I dont know what kind of sick words you or his other friends said to him.....but bright is mine" he sneered

I got up slowly and got close to him. Our eyes darting back and forth at eachother.
"If that's true why was bright sending me messages everyday telling me he loves me? Checking up on me? Reassuring me he'll never let me go?" I let a smirk pry on my face
"What?" He hissed "that's not're lying"
"Believe what you want first but you know you and bright will never be together again.......I'm here now and we're inlove with eachother. Nothing can change that. Not even you" I declared

I walked away slowly towards the door once I made it there I felt an arm grab me and something hard his my back side.
"OWWW" I cried out in pain. When I turned I saw first looking at me with anger in his eyes as he held a rock in his hand. He dropped it and let go of my arm
"When I'm'll get much worse" with that he walked to his car and sped off.

I looked and saw there was blood coming from my side. Bleeding through my shirt. I saw brights spare key and I went inside quickly. Once I looked I saw all the mess that was everywhere. There was beer bottles, snack packets, and half eaten microwave dinners in other places too.

"Dammit bright" I said to myself. I should've known he wasnt really keeping himself together. Once I left him alone for 2 days because of the over time I did at work, and I came home to a mess.

I cleaned everything up quickly, while I was still bleeding and in pain. I didnt want bright to come back home to a mess and I also couldn't stand it either. My OCD was kicking in.

Once I finished every thing I went straight to the bathroom. I took my shirt off and observed the scare first left on me. I also saw my hand was cut due to falling on the ground.

I cleaned off the the blood and dirt on both wounds. As I was grabbing for my shirt I accidentally spilled over a basket of cleaning supplies. Of course I become clumsy at a time like this.

I was moving around trying to pick everything up and place it back in the basket and other stuff in the draws. Next thing I know the door is being pushed open and i fall down to the floor and I see a scared, confused, and angry bright standing in front of me with a long wooden stick in his hand.


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