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Wins POV


After yesterday I woke up feeling a little werid. I wasnt sore but i felt an little pain maybe I should have took things slow last night but honestly everything just felt so good I couldn't stop. I was happy when bright called because technically I got to experience it all with him.

On the way to work I started feeling a little hungry so I stopped at a café that was close to my job. I tried calling bright this morning but he didnt pick up so I just waited for him to call me back. I just assume hes still sleep since he doesnt have to work today until he go to the gym later.

After ordering my food I sit down to eat because I didnt really feel like going to work yet without knowing if bright was ok or not. Usually everyday I get a text or call from him before i go in so now I'm kind of use to it. I start eating then my phone goes off.

*sorry babe I was sleeping but I hope you have a wonderful day and I cant wait to see you tonight💞*

TONIGHT?! Shit I totally forgot I said we would see eachother today. I mean I'm happy to see him but I also kind of wanted to try out my toys again. After last night I craved more of what I did and wanted to continue to try it out.

*Its alright and have a great day I'll see you tonight 😘*

*Oiii when did my metawin start sending kissing emojis? You're making me blush rightnow*

I laughed at the message before I was able to text back someone stepped in front of my table. I saw the shoes but I didnt recognized who it was, I looked up and it was the guy from yesterday who I had no care for knowing his name even if we did work together. I instantly got annoyed.

"What do you want" I said looking back at my phone
"You texting you're lover? I see you smiling at your phone." Why did he care what I was doing
"Dont you have somewhere to be?" I asked trying to change the subject
"Yeah they same place you're supposed to be actually you know since we work together" I glared at him
"We may work together but it doesnt mean we need to know eachother and it also doesnt mean you need to be in my business" I said in a annoyed voice this guy was really starting to piss me off.

He then sat down in front of me
"You're right....allow me to introduce myself since you probably dont know my name.....I'm drake I work in management" he took his hand out for me to shake but I just looked at it and he awkwardly put it away.
"Well then......and your name is win right?" He asked with a smile
"Look, I dont want to be rude but I dont need to know anyone else at the office and quite frankly I dont like how you ask me personal questions about my life. Now if you excuse me I'm leaving see you in the office i guess" and i got up and walked to my car.

Once inside I finally texted bright back and went to work. At was at my work area filling out papers and checking documents, I could feel someone staring at me but I tried to ignore but once I looked up I saw it was drake. What the hell does that dude want from me and why does he keep starting. I was starting to get uncomfortable so I started focusing on my work again.

Hours past and my shift was over so I was getting ready to leave when frank came up me.
"Hey win were all going out for drinks wanna join?" I looked and I saw the people looking at us and whispering then I saw drake just looking at me with a wicked smile.
"Uhhh no thanks I have plans anyways" I smile then got up
"Ohh that's okay maybe next time plus I heard you have a lover" he said patting me on my shoulder
"Who told you that" I asked confused how would he even know.

"Ohh just someone noticed you're always smiling at your phone, plus you havent been doing overtime for a while now" hearing those words I already knew who blabbed about that
"Or maybe I just have a life outside of work, now excuse I really need to leave see you tomorrow frank" and I left heading to the elevators.

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