feeling bad

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Wins POV

After bright told me what happened with him and first all I could do was feel angry. Why would first do that to him and what was the reason for it. Then I felt jealous, I know it's stupid and self for me to feel this way but I was. I was jealous brights first time was with first and that he got to experience his college years dating and fucking him. I wish I had knew him sooner but I also had to thank first for bringing bright here to Bangkok because it led him to me.

We sat for a while in a car before I drove us back to his apartment. I glanced at him at a couple times and I could see him trying to hold back tears every second. I felt so bad for him and i just wanted to hold him but I didnt know if he wanted to be around anyone right now.

Once we made it I stopped the car and we just sat for a while I wasnt sure if he wanted me around so I just sat. Then he turned and looked at me with a confused face.

"Y-youre not going to come in?" He looked like he was about to burst in tears any moment
"I......wasnt sure if........you wanted to be around anyone rightnow" I said nervously
"Metawin you're not just anyone.........youre my boyfriend...........and I really need you right now" he then unbuckled his seat belt to lean forward to me to do the same. We got out the car and went inside and we made it to the couch where he pulled me in for a tight hug.

All I could do was hug him back I mean that must've been really hard for him to go through then have to say it again. I hate myself for making him tell me, it was just when I woke up this morning I remembered how he was and I wanted to know why, i was itching to ask him all day but he kept being distant and I was worried he was thinking about him while he was with me.

I didnt want this to just be a rebound relationship where he wasnt fully into me. Throughout the day I was trying to ignore the thought but  i kept thinking about what if he did this with his ex.

I feel so bad right now like this is all my fault, but then my thoughts were broken out of when I felt wet tears on my shoulder. Bright was crying and it was all because of me. FUCKKK!!!

"Bright I'm so sorry" I cried "I shouldn't have asked you about this I'm the worst boyfriend ever......I just wanted to understand you and your past a little more.....a-and I let jealous get in the way of our relationship......and it's only been like a day......I understand if you hate me now" bright then pushed away from the hug to look me deep in the eyes

"Metawin.....I'm not mad and I dont hate you........its okay that you asked about my past...........it may hurt to think back on it but you're new in all of this I honestly expected you to ask one day..........and you dont have to be jealous......yes I may have experienced things with him but if it wasnt for him breaking my heart I wouldnt be here with you making it whole again.......the way i feel for you is beyond different then what i felt for my ex..........you make me feel things I've never felt before........and I know me and him did more than me and you but the difference is i know with you I'll end up making love to someone who has my full heart and who I adore so much.......you are my world metawin and I'm never leaving or letting you go"

He then pulled me in for a passionate kiss and I felt tears coming down my eyes. I never want to let him go either I dont care if we havent know eachother that long or even dated for more than a week. I knew from the minute I saw him I wanted him and that he was going to be someone special to me.

We parted from the kiss that left us breathless and we looked into eachothers eyes just admiring eachother. I felt mesmerized by him I wanted to stay like this forever.

Hours passed and we were in the bed and bright was already passed out. I could tell by his puffy eyes that he was crying in the shower but I didnt want to say anything. I just held him close and looked at him as he peacefully slept.

"I love you bright and I'll never leave you" I whispered then I kissed him on the forehead and went off to sleep

A/N: short chapter for today but I hope you enjoy and that you guys have a happy Thanksgiving 💕

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