dont love you

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Brights POV

"Were you talking about me?" First had an evil smirk on his face.

I dont know why he felt so confident that I'd come back to him. It made me sick thinking what he'd do if he followed me when win was around. Listening to what khao told me didnt give me an idea of what I was going to say to him. But I knew I'd have to come up with something soon.

"First.....why are you here?" khao asked
" dont know? I'm here to see my boyfriend" he smiles then glares at me
"I'm not your boyfriend. I belong to win." I nonchalantly said. First's quirky smile disappeared in a second after I said those words. It's scary how fast his mood can change.
He stared angrily at khao "what did you tell my bright? Why is he claiming another man?" I scoffed at that statement.

"First the only thing I will ever claim you as sadly, is my ex. And you'll be the ex I never get back with" I jabbed
"First.....maybe we should leave" khao mumbles
"Why? Am I not allowed to be here?" First questioned. I could see khao getting even more nervous and shaking. I didnt want him to be involved with this anymore. I can already tell first probably used him as he did me, hes been through enough already.

"Khao why dont you leave I need to have a chat with first" I raised an eye brow to signal him to leave and he nodded. Taking one last look at first before existing the cafe.

I watch him as he goes and then turned my head to see first looking at me with eagerness. I sigh before I let the words I'm about to say slip out.

"First, why do you keep doing this? How long is this going to go on? You know I dont love you anymore and that I'm in love with my boyfriend." He let's out a soft laugh and looks to the ground.
" know me. Once I have my eye set on something I dont let it dont love him like you loved me"

"You're right about that.....I dont love him the same way i loved you" he smiled and came closer
"See I knew you would understand" I rolled my eyes
"You didnt let me finish.......I dont love him the same way I loved you because I love him more......being with him taught me the love I had for you was just an attachment, since you were my first. I thought me and you were supposed to be together because of how long we've been friends and our history. It wasnt because I genuinely had feelings for you like I have for win. He also taught me when you really love someone it's not supposed to be hard and complicated.....its supposed to be simple." His lips parted and I saw his eyes begin to tear up.

"Simple is boring. What me and you had was a more than simple.....we had fun and went on adventures together.."
" cheated on me, used me to buy you gifts, and left me multiple times.....that wasnt fun or an adventure, it wasnt the type of relationship I deserve.....I deserve someone like win and that's exactly why I'm in love with him" I payed attention to his actions to see what he was gonna do next. But he let the tear fall as he looked me in the eyes.

"You always want to see the worst in people" he stood up and stormed out of the restaurant leaving me in a confused gaze. What did he mean by that?

I didnt have anywhere to be, so I decided to stay at the cafe awhile and clear my head. I hope that conversation with him let him know we could never happen again.

It even sucks how I feel bad for him, I mean he was right. We had some good times and he probably did develop feelings over me over the time. But it's too late I'm with win and I want to be with him till my last breath.

After staying at the cafe and driving around for a while, I finally went back home. I noticed that the rock I hid my spare key in wasnt in the place where I usually leave it. Would first really break into my house? I brushed the thought out of my mind and open the door, I walked in and took my shoes off and made my way to the living room.

I saw the beer bottles I still had left out were gone and a light was on down the hall. I start to breathe heavy and I froze once I heard a loud thud. I walked over to my couch to grab a wooden pattle that I hid behind there just in case someone would break in. While I'm walking towards the noise I see it's the bathroom light on, and I take out my phone just in case I need to call the police.

I slowly make my way to the door thats slightly open. It sounds like someone is rummaging around looking for something. I take a couple deep breaths and I quickly push the door open scanning the bathroom until I lay eyes on the one person I didnt expect to see. The one person who I didnt think would ever be back.



Short chapter today hope you guys enjoy. I finally let win come back😌. And it was hard making first seem like the bad guy when in real life I really love him and his goofy personality 😭😭.

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