unexpected visitors.

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A/N: this is a pretty long chapter, so I hope you guys enjoy. HAVE A GREAT DAY💕💕.

Brights POV

Today's the day win wants me to meet his 'second family'. Honestly, I'm more nervous meeting them then when I met wins parents. Ofcourse they are important to win, but win didnt make such of a big deal about me meeting them. He told me whenever I'm ready we could. But when it came to meeting these guys, he basically demanded it.

Dont get me wrong, I'm happy to meet them and get to know people who are close to win. But if hes so eager about me meeting them, it makes me think that he values what they think and their opinions, which means if I dont make a good impression they may make win break up with me and I'll never see him again.

Everyday I've been overthinking everything I should do, wear, and even say. My mind has been overwhelmed with mixed emotions, mainly fear.

I didn't go to work today and I told Tay I'd be staying home. I didnt get a wink of sleep with all the thinking/worrying, I thought I spend the day getting some rest until win gets here and we meet them.

What scares me more is I dont even know the names of the people he wants me to see. Everytime I ask him why he replies with "i have my reasons". I'm slowly getting annoyed by his response but, whatever win wants win gets.

I was getting some rest when I heard loud banging on my door. I was wondering who'd be here when its 11 in the morning. I slowly get out of bed walking to the door slightly irritated, I only got about 4 hours of sleep.

I open the door and I see a certain someone who i havent seen in some time breathing heavily.
"Bright, hey hows it going?" They turn around checking the area and walk inside my place heading straight to the kitchen
"Um hey?" I greet him sarcastically "wha-why are you here?" I asked
He stays silent for a while then stared at me with tears in his eyes.
"Bright I-" he cuts himself off by his loud sobs.

I rush over to him and hold him close
"Its okay gulf, just calm down and tell me what's wrong" I say softly. He leans on my shoulder for a couple seconds then I hear him sniffle quietly
"Ready to talk?" I asked. He shakes his head and walks towards the couch

I sit next to him and wait for him to talk.
"Me and my boyfriend got into an argument and.....I kind of walked out on him after he said something hurtful....I started driving but I didnt know where I was going until I realized where I was, i remembered you showed me the new place when you moved here and i recognized it." He turned to me with sorrow in his eyes.

I didn't know what to do or say, all I know is that this story sounds really familiar but I cant put my finger on it.

"Whatd you guys fight about?" I asked breaking the awkward silence
"Well we have a friend and his boyfriend coming over for a get together, that made mew think about the first time we met eachothers friends and family....one thing led to another he started talking about marriage, our future and even children. I freaked. I accidentally told him i didnt want to marry him, but I meant I didn't want to marry him now, that we still have time. That's when he accused me of cheating and questioned my love for him. I was hurt that he would even think that, especially after what happened with his ex.....so I left and here I am" he concluded

"Wha- what happened with his ex?" He looked at me with a werid expression
"What?" I asked
"I thought-- didnt I tell you?"
"No, not that I remember. We may talk but not how we use to, the last time I saw you was at our football match 2 years ago" I reminded him
"But we text and call.....I never said anything?" I shook my head and he looked down and started scratching his skin.

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