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Brights POV

2 days...its been 2 days since I last heard or seen win. All I could do is worry and cry over him. I asked everyone I knew that was close to him but nothing. I began to think he really wasnt coming back.

I was so torn and hurt i couldn't even function right anymore. I started to eat less and drink more. Making alcohol my new food. Some nights I didn't even sleep I either went out to look for win or spend all night looking at videos and photos of us. When we were happy, when I didn't have to deal with this pain.

I couldn't even focus at work anymore, my boss thought I was sick and made me take a temporary leave until I was better. The truth is I was sick......sick of not having my metawin next to me, not holding me and not kissing me.

Tay and mike have been trying to help to by coming over dropping off food or just staying with me till I fell asleep. I was glad they could help but most of the time I just wanted to be alone.

I dont even know if my baby is okay and healthy. When I went to go check by wins office to hopefully see him. I was told he took a temporary leave as well and that he was working from home.

Ughhh this pain deep inside is just breaking my heart. Not even with first did I feel this hurt when he would leave. I knew my metawin was different i knew i loved him more than anything in the world.

Everytime I was alone I replayed that whole scene in my head thinking about what i couldve did differently. I knew it was my fault, I hesitated when first said he loved me and win probably thought a small piece of me still loved him. But it wasnt true I just froze, I dont know why I did but I did. And that was a mistake.

It was currently Thursday and I was sitting in my apartment. No lights were on, no food was cooked. Just empty bottles of beer everywhere. I had no energy to eat, to work or to even clean.

I didnt want to feel like this. I didnt want to have this pain I want it to end. I left outside my room to go to the fridge and get me a beer, but to my suprise there was none left. I groaned and knew I would have to go to a bar in order to to get drunk today.

I left the house and drove to a bar I recently became a regular at. I couldn't go to the place me and win would go to because it would remind of the first time he spent the night in my house.

Some hours passed of being there. I had taken over a dozen shots and 6 beers but i wasnt finish. I wanted to drink so I couldn't remember anything I wanted to just forget.

I started to feel dizzy and I then knew the alcohol was kicking in. I needed to leave so I wouldnt pass out and they'd call the person on my emergency list.

I tried to stand but my legs went wobbly and I started to feel as if I was going to faint. Next thing i know it was black. Time went by and I felt someone small struggling to put me in a car. I heard them yelling at me as we drove the speed of the car and bumpy road making me hit my head on the window.

"Great your awake" they said "I'm taking you to my house and when we get there you're going to tell me why the fuck you dranked so much that I had to leave my boyfriends house at 1 in the morning to come get you" . I groaned in annoyance when they kept babbling and I finally slipped into unconsciousness again.

I woke up on something soft, I felt a warm cloth with water being rubbed on my neck. I slowly open my eyes to see a blurry figure staring down at me, when the figure became clear I realized it was the person I've been avoiding.

"Good you're up so do you wanna tell me who made you get this drunk?" He asked calmly
"How..?" I was still confused on what happened
"Bright I dont have time for went drinking and passed out. Someone from the bar called me to come get you.....the last time you got drunk like this was when you came down here after first hurt bright.......whose ass do I need to kick this time?" he asked firmly.

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