maybe to much

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Wins POV

2 weeks had passed and I still felt bad for making bright cry so much, even though he said it was fine and he wasnt mad at me I still felt like I owed him a lot.

Over the days I cooked for him , took him to work whenever I could and tried to shower him with all my love. I mean it was the best I could do we didnt really go out much before. When we did bright kept looking around like someone was following us or if he was making sure no one was around.  I started to feel like he was ashamed of me but he told me when I asked that he just didnt want to run into his ex because he saw him here the day I asked about him.

With that information I felt even worse so we mainly stayed indoors and filled in time by cooking or watching movies. His bike had been out of the shop but I still wanted to drive him around I didnt want him to have to work to much or run into his ex when I'm not there.

I realized I've been spending a lot of time at brights home that I havent been to then gym to see mike or go and hang out with my friends. They've been telling me I'm becoming obsessed with him but I mean without bright I feel empty, I honestly wouldn't know what to do without him and I dont want to go back with filling my time in with working every hour. I need him and I truly love him.

Today were sitting at his house in the living room eating dinner. Hes been quiet most of the day and I get worried should I ask? And he must've been reading my mind.

"Babe, I'm sorry if I've been quiet today but I need to talk with you" i glanced at him feeling nervous on what he was going to say. He put his plate down and turned towards me to hold my hand

"Um....w-w-what is it?" My hands started to twitch
"Calm down metawin I just want to say a few things and dont interrupt me just listen" i then place my plate town to fully pay attention
"Ok so I know you still feel bad about what happened with me and my ex but my love it was months ago and I'm with you and I appreciate you cooking, cleaning and driving me around but your life shouldnt have to revolve around me. Mike even misses you at the gym he ask me about you everytime I come in, and I'm pretty sure you're getting his messages too. All I'm saying is I'm okay now and it's time you start focusing more on yourself then just me.......I'm not leaving you okay" I then hold back tears because I'm kind of hurt by his words, I dont know why but it feels like he said he doesnt want me around.

Omg win keep it together he just said hes not leaving you, so why are you being a baby. Just play cool and cry in the shower later. I then put on the most convincing smile I could and looked him deep in the eye.

"I'm sorry bright I just wanted to give you extra love, i know it was months ago and I'll try to let you breathe.......I'm full I'll go take a shower now" I then kiss him on his forehead grab my plate to head towards the kitchen.

I dont know why but I really want yo cry I feel like such and idiot, he probably felt like I was being to clingy and wasnt giving him any air. Ughhhh how could I be so stupid, after I finish washing my dish i head straight to the bathroom and hop in the shower .

I let the warm water relax my muscles then let the tears fall down my face. Is this the difficult part of the relationship? Spending time away from them? I didnt think I  was around him to much. I just picked him up from work, took him to the gym, spent most my nights at his house, cooked breakfast lunch and dinner and also did his laundry from time to time.

SHITT!!! I was doing to much I was probably suffocating him with all this "extra love" I was giving. I then started to cry harder feeling so stupid about it. Hes right my world shouldnt revolve around him but I just love him too much and be different from his stupid ex. I want to give bright everything first didnt give, I wonder when we should start having sex.

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