The World Ending: 20%

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"You are so fucking dead that not even death can save your soul" Pidge growled as she into the old staff room on the two floor middle school, only one guard inside with two of the three main leaders of the lab walls.

"Ah, you arrived just in time, the kettle just boiled" Clive smirked as he glanced to her, noticing the anger that filled her eyes.

"You seem oddly calm for having your most skilled scientist on the lose and having no guards holding me captured" Pidge shot back with a raised eyebrow, staying in the doorway and leaning on the door a little to keep it open.

"We knew better then to try and cage you up like an animal, after all you already are a beast who'll claw her own hand to be free from chains" Frederick answered with ease, sitting on one of the sofas and already guessing she found a way to knock out the guards and most likely already locked them up in another classroom.

"Yet you still kidnapped me" Pidge reminded as she kept her eyes on the two scientist who stayed sitting as one of the guards poured them both a cup of green tea, leaving their cups on the coffee table before them.

"You're one of the biggest threats left in the world, we couldn't just let you run free once we finally found you" Jonathan answered, he was the head guard who never left one of the three main leading scientists sides knowing they must be kept alive at all costs.

"You know better then to just take me, I won't lose my spirit and stay in your hold. I will find a weak point and escape" Pidge warned, she wasn't even going to try playing nice to these people.

"Oh, we know but we noticed something rather strange and decided to look into it. Why you may have been the stubborn lone wolf when we kicked you out, it seems things changed since" Clive explained with a slight smirk, the same smugness he always held in his eyes clear to be seen by anyone around.

"Exactly, you fired me with I think you said "Your unlike and won't follow our orders. Your too dangerous and wild to keep here" as your reason. Why want me back, I've kept my distance since and now you suddenly seem me as a threat .. why?" Pidge grumbled back as she glared to the scientist who just leaned forward and grabbed their mugs.

"You knew too many of our plans and you think we won't find out your the only one who holds the key to your brother blood. We hold no proof over you helping him to escape but you would know if he stayed in our hands he would be dead and his blood would be ours" Frederick replied, glancing to her before giving a slight nod to Jonathan who pulled out his handgun and aimed it towards her.

"What, going to shoot someone who holds the key to the information you weren't able to work out. Tell me, what do you have to gain by letting me die" Pidge smirked, her eyes showing slight danger and smugness as she gained their weakness why they thought they were being clever.

"I can shoot without killing you" Jonathan grinned, taking the safety off and making sure the click echo the silent room.

"Are you sure you want to waste the bullet in keeping me alive, a wounded animal is the most deadly" Pidge warned as she slowly walked towards Jonathan who eyes widen before glancing to Clive and Frederick for answers.

"Don't think you can trick us, we have something rather useful in our hands" Clive threatened making Pidge come to a stop right before the gun, pushing it to her forehead while Jonathan kept his hand as steady as he could, pulling his finger away from the trigger.

Her Zombie (Shidge) (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz