The World Ending: 7%

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"Pidge wake up, we gotta meet with Lance at the meet up point. Remember Kolivan doesn't want Lance bringing this guy into the camp directly until we can trust him to not be tricking us in hopes to attack us" Shiro sighed as he stood by his roommate bed, shaking her arm a little.

"Piss off matt" Pidge grumbled half asleep, rolling over and cuddling under her cover more.

"Its me Shiro .. come on or I'll carry you as you are. Do you really want me to carry you outside the camp in your pjs ... If zombies attack you'll die without any underwear on" Shiro threatened, placing his hands on his hips and stepping back as Pidge shot up in bed.

"Never, Never let me be eaten alive without any underwear on .. I will not die like that" Pidge huffed back making Shiro chuckle.

"You really hate the thought of dying without any underwear on, Huh?" Shiro grinned slightly, walking back over to his bed and sitting down as he started putting his hiking boots on.

"Well clothes rip and when you turn into a zombie you rot a little. I don't want any of my junk popping out as time pass or being clear to see for the whole world. I want to be decent even if I'm dead" Pidge answered like it was a normal thing to talk about.

"I'll remember that if you ever turn into a zombie" Shiro joked slightly as Pidge rolled her eyes while pulling out some clothes.

"So, have you learnt where the meet up point with Lance is. It won't be more then a day out from the camp since they'll want to be near if trouble comes in the future" Pidge asked as she walked to the corner changing room.

"Already grabbed the location, seems we'll be walking out since it really is only half a day out. We should be meeting lance later tonight then we'll speak with the guy and sleep outside the walls. I grabbed our needed supplies and weapons form the lockers while you slept. Hope you enjoyed your lay in becuase we heading out once we go grab ourselves some breakfast" Shiro mumbled back, doing his second lace neatly.

"Such a gentlemen" Pidge grinned making Shiro chuckle.

"Our bags by the door, along with my army knife and your survival knife both in their sheaths/scabbed. We'll be carrying them to breakfast so we can head straight out. Technically we should reach the meet up point a couple hours before Lance but won't don't if he used any short cuts to quicken his time or if we need to take care of any wondering zombies within the building. Plus, I want to check out the meet up building to check for exists and any blind spots if we sleeping within" Shiro replied going slight serious as Pidge carried on getting dressed.

"Calm down, if you go out expecting the worse then you won't see the best. I know you don't trust others as easily as you did before the end of the world but mistrust can flow to those around you. We need to seem chill, see the man as he acts and look for who he truth is with our eyes without letting our mistrust guide us instead" Pidge mumbled back, walking out and sitting on the edge of her bed as she placed her socks on.

"I know, Its just .. they from a labs wall. A camp that makes the pills and one of the most protected camps left in the world. They have walls instead of fences and a lab wall is rumoured to be in every country somewhere. They have good supplies and could start a new life within those walls like zombies never existed. They even make their own fuel for cars and planes hence they drop off the soulless pills all over the world. I just ... they have such a fortress but only let those useful to them inside" Shiro started to ramble a little uneasy leaking in his voice as he looked to his hands.

"So, why would they want anything to do with a simple camp like this one. We have nothing to truly offer to them apart from man power unless they want to use us in some way" Pidge finished with a small smile, she knew what direction Shiro mind was going since she already felt the same.

"Yeah, Those labs are untouchable and everything inside is more protected then the human race. Sure, they take in children in hopes to train them to be smart scientists who'll carry on the research one day. But why would they suddenly want a truce with us, labs walls never make truces and the only reason they freely drop out soulless pills is becuase they want to reduce zombie infection. Even they know they'll fall if too many zombies are made and that pills keep part of the human race alive to keep fighting back against zombies" Shiro mumbled back, running a hand threw his hair as Pidge placed her worn all stars shoes on her feet.

"No clue, we'll just have to either work it out first or find out when they strike. For now, lets meet with Lance and check out the guy representing the lab walls close to us. Speak with him and make the decision if we should allow them in the camp or not to speak with Kolivan" Pidge smiled with care, standing up and reaching her hand out to shiro to help him up.

"Your right, lets complete our own mission. Protecting the camp should come first, we gotta keep our strange huge family safe from fellow humans then just zombies" Shiro smiled and took Pidge hand before standing up as Pidge gave a happy nod.

"Now food or I might start eating people" Pidge teased and walked over to the door, throwing her brown backpack on, tying her sheath/scabbed to her left arm, finding it easier to pull out her survival knife when needing to fight then on her thigh where it always slides down. 

"I thought you didn't like the taste of flesh" Shiro joked as he threw his dark purple backpack on, putting his scabbed/sheath to his belt on his right hip finding it easier to pull out his army knife when needed. 

"I'll bite you" Pidge warned as she opened the door.

"I'll bite back" Shiro smirked back making Pidge laugh while Shiro closed the door behind them. 

"We both know you won't" Pidge grinned, shaking her head.

"Not gonna let me live that night down her" Shiro asked in defeat since Pidge nicknamed him a coward over being scared over infecting a fellow human even while taking soulless pills. 

"Not unless you get over that fake fear. Trust me, you can't infect someone truly while on a soulless pill and one day I'll prove it to you without a single risk" Pidge shot back, swaying her arms as she walked down the hall. 

"And until you do, I won't be infecting anyone" Shiro smugly answered as Pidge rolled her eyes. 

"Its just kissing someone, its not like your sharing blood with them" Pidge sighed and Shiro shrugged.

"Still not going to risk it" Shiro mumbled back like a child. 


I have a Question for You Lovely Readers....

So, a Sheath and Scabbed is the same thing, its what holds the knife or any type of blade. But since depending where you live, it depends on how you call it. 

Do you guys want me to just call it as a Sheath or as a Scabbed?

Her Zombie (Shidge) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now