The World Ending: 17%

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"Hey, welcome back .. how it go" Shiro called out with a friendly smile as he noticed Keith and Veronica walk out of the from the checking shed, binning the pit of testing paper that held a drop of their blood since it wasn't needed now showing they were both uninfected.

"I don't want to talk about it" Keith grumbled as he crossed his arms like a sulking child after reaching where Shiro, Hunk, Lance, Pidge and Matt stood by the building wall.

"What happened, Did one of you get hurt" Hunk asked with worry, looking to Keith who glared towards his girlfriend.

"I said I was sorry" Veronica whined back, throwing her hands in the air.

"I don't want to talk about it" Keith huffed back, snapping his head away from her. 

"So, what actually happened" Matt asked with a raised eyebrow, Keith looking him over since he hasn't met Matt yet.

After all, Keith was sent on a mission just a day before Shiro, Lance and Pidge returned with Matt following along. Veronica leaving the same day Matt had entered the camp to catch up with Keith and let him know to head back from where he was keeping an eye out for any lab walls soldiers heading towards them, it was also a small amount of time for the couple to spend together. They got to spend a full day and a half on watch duty together before heading back.

"I may have blown up an zombie and the insides covered Keith who was getting ready to stab it. He um got a bit in his mouth as well ... I feel really bad, even after he scrubbed himself senseless in the river nearby. But hey, at least you didn't get infected like we feared, the test showed your clean" Veronica explained, clearly guilty over almost getting her boyfriend infected as zombie. 

"That gotta suck but getting infected by swallowing a zombies inside would have been rather stupid and Lame" Pidge mumbled back with her arms crossed over her stomach while Keith raised an eyebrow at her.

"You think I didn't already realised that" Keith shot back annoyed.

"So, Keith almost became infected but swallowing a zombie" Lance spoke up, his grin growing as a tick grew on Keith forehead as Lance started full out laughing, bending over and holding his stomach.

"Darling, You'll be a brother down in a second. Sorry for your lost" Keith spoke in a low voice as he pulled out his knife clearly ready to stab Lance to death. 

"No killing your brother in law and Lance stop laughing at your brother in law before I start spilling your old embarrassing secrets" Veronica warned as she rolled her eyes and placing her hands on her hips.

"MARRIAGE" Keith and Lance cried out in pure horror.

"I'M NOT GOING TO BECOME HIS BROTHER IN LAW, YOU MAY BE MY SISTER/GIRLFRIEND BUT THAT CROSSING A LINE" Lance and Keith yelled out as Veronica just glanced to Shiro and Pidge who stood rather amused.

"How are you two, we didn't get much of a catch up before I left" Veronica smiled kindly as she stepped over to Shiro and Pidge leaving her boyfriend and brother to argue with themselves. 

"We've been well, we told you the basics of the mission and just had to deal with stiffness or soreness after our game of chase with the soldiers. We're all good now, back to normal" Shiro answered with a friendly smile as he kept his arms dangling by his side.

"How about you, did you enjoy your couple time with Keith. Being on watch may be boring but its still time you got to spend alone" Pidge smiled with care, placing a hand on her hips as she looked to the camp main leader.

"It was nice, I really miss it just being us sometimes. I've been so busy within the camp and he been off on side missions or just stuck hanging in camp while I've been working. We didn't get to see each other much, not even when we sharing the same room since one of us is either asleep by the time another returns or we already gone. The mission was the greatest gift ever" Veronica admitted with a shy smile, rubbing the back of her neck slightly embarrassed.

"The end of the world is hard on anyone with a love life. I think its only easy if your like Rolo and Nyma who work as a team on missions and always stuck to the hip together. But you and Keith work different areas and you carry a big burden on your shoulders as the camp leader. Just hold on, I'm sure once we grow more steady and life with zombies outside camp gets more normal. You and Keith will be able to settle down a little better and spend more time together, just hold on a little longer" Shiro smiled kindly and Veronica gave a thankful look to him.

"Plus, its not like you don't get mini moments together. Keith tries to help carry your burden and helps you when your stressed by doing anything he can do to help with your work. Just stay cherishing those moments most" Pidge smiled sweetly and Veronica gave a giggly nod as she did love those small movements when Keith tried helping out with her burdens as the leader.

"So, who this guy" Keith finally asked as he got fed up with arguing with Lance, his thumb pointing towards Matt who was speaking with Hunk who was explaining over it was normal for Lance and Keith to argue whenever they were together.

"Matt, a pleasure to meet you" Matt smiled and held his hand out to Keith.

"I'm not touching you, I don't know where or who've your been with" Keith replied as he glanced to Matt hand and Shiro let slight laugh escape his lips.

"Oh won't you like to know" Shiro muttered under his breath as Lance turned bright red making Veronica glance to her brother then back to Matt before glancing to Shiro who seemed slightly amused.

"Did they.. Ya know, blow the castle, waved the king or just straight on slide in" Veronica asked and Pidge just smirked at the code words Veronica was using.

"Just waved the king it seems, nothing else for now" Shiro answered with a shrug and Veronica just nodded impressed.

"I'll tease him over that later, for now I better get my boyfriend to the showers" Veronica smiled, nodding her head a little and walking over to Keith, grabbing his hand and pulling him away.

"Did you really need to tell her" Pidge asked with a slight smirk as she glanced to Shiro.

"Yes, he her little brother after all and we all know that Lance wouldn't just do such things without thinking. Lance is the most innocent when it comes to sexual side of love or lust, he see's meaning in them and should be done by someone he truly loves not a stranger passing by. Even if they only used their hands, its still worrying in my eyes and anyway Matt" Shiro mumbled as he crossed his arms, closing his eyes a little as he felt Pidge still staring at him.

"Don't worry over him, trust me. He won't bring any trouble for us and he never going to lay a hand on one of us without real feelings to it" Pidge promised with promise in her eyes, she trusted her words making Shiro just look at her.

"I trust you Pidge, I'll always trust you" Shiro whispered making the young women look to him surprise before glancing away as her eyes sadden a little. 

Her Zombie (Shidge) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now