The World Ending: 16%

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"Hey, finished washing the car" Shiro asked with a friendly smile as he looked up from his book as Pidge entered their shared room, the door being left open.

"Yeah, just got to hose it down later. How its going with your book" Pidge replied with a small smile, slipping of Keith clogs by the door. 

"Half way threw .. Are you alright" Shiro answered with a small smile, concern in his eyes as he looked to her and felt something was wrong.

"I guess I'm just tired still. Didn't sleep well last night" Pidge mumbled back, she knew she wouldn't be sleeping well for awhile not while Matt was around and the camp becoming enemies to the labs walls. 

"Take a nap, we've had a rough few days. Barely sleeping when we heard the gun shot, then we semi chased them away and while the sun was still up when we got home last night. It was still strange sleeping in silence .. get some sleep" Shiro smiled with care, nodding his head to her bed.

"I don't think I'll sleep even if I do lay down, read me some of your book instead" Pidge smiled as she stretched her sore muscles a little.

"You wouldn't understand much since you haven't read the other chapters" Shiro warned as he turned back to his book, he was laid on his bed while sitting slightly by his pillows making him more slough then sitting or laying.

"I don't mind, just read to me" Pidge shot back softly, walking over and laying beside him, laying her head on his upper arm.

"As you wish" Shiro answered and turned the page before reading out loud, keeping his eyes to the words and feeling the women beside him relax as she listened. 

As he came to the end of the chapter he stole a glance and found Pidge fast asleep, soft snores escaping her lips as she slept. Her face showed her at peace and her body fully relax while she walked the lands of dreams. 

A gentle smile stole its way to Shiro lips, he knew she didn't get much sleep last night after hearing her roll around and rustle so much. He himself did let sleep take over his body after awhile and knew she'll wake him if she needed him.

He was glad he could give her enough comfort to fall asleep, for her to trust him enough to let her guard down enough to sleep beside him. 

Hours seemed to past as he stayed reading his "borrowed" book from Coran room, the poor doctor never noticed if he was missing a book or not making him an easy target for those wanting to pass the time with a book. But then again the doctor did spend most of his day within the make do nurses room, helping to train Shay who would a rather good nurse now.

Shay even helps teaches others the basics to help save someone if something goes wrong during a mission outside the camp. Not everyone goes to the lessons being offered but some do, it helps pass the time sometimes and well they could end up saving a friend life one day. There have been rumours of  Shay almost being trained as a doctor, well by Coran teaching her and the medical books that are kept in one of the old cupboards. 

Shiro did take one of the lessons Coran held when the camp was still new and only held small numbers. Letting Coran explain how to help someone during certain injures but nothing over kill since they didn't have many medication or equipment that would help save someone if something really bad happened. It was a time where if you got badly hurt, the only way the camp could help was by holding your hand as you died or killing you quickly to stop you from suffering.

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