Chapter 12

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~Greys pov~

He puts his arms around my waist causing me to get flustered. He just stares at me and I stare back.

His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips. We lean in. Our lips touching but not pressed together. "Do I make you flustered?" I ask biting my lip. "No.". "What are you waiting for?". "I don't know..." he whispered as he trailed off. Our lips touched everytime we talked. His breath fanned across my face keeping me warm.

He finally closed the small space between us. Fireworks exploded inside of me. After a few minutes we pull our heads away gasping for air, but keep our body pressed together. "I win." I whisper. "You won't next time." He says. He let's go of me and takes my hand.

On the way back I start getting cramps, but obviously didn't say anything. Then I got a bad one. I double over taking my hand out of his and putting it on my stomach. "Owww.". I start to tear up. I need to take some medicine. "Babe. What's wrong?". I tried to lighten the mood. "Babe?". "Grey come on whats wrong? Are you okay?". I nod. "Yeah Reg I'm fine. Its just cramps.". He nods and we start walking again.

I keep getting them, but just keep walking. I start silently crying from pain. Reggie notices. "Babe. Are you okay?". I shake my head. He pulls me in a hug. "Do you need a heat pad?" I nod. "Will anything warm work?". "Yea it should.". He goes behind me and hugs me. He puts his hand on my shirt, over my stomach.

"Does this help at all?" He says hopefully. "Yea. Thanks Reg.". When we get home we see Alex and Carlos watching TV. "Hey yall. Oh Ray, Julie and Luke went to town. Apparently they forgot to get toilet paper." "Okay were gonna go chill." Reggie says. We go to my and Julie's shared room. I lay on my bed, tears start coming out my eyes again.

Reggie goes downstairs and comes back with a heating pad and medicine. He sits next to me and hands me the medicine with water. "Here take this.". As I'm taking that, he moves my jacket. I'm wearing a black crop top, so he just puts the heating pad on my stomach. I just lay back. My head against the headboard. "Thank you Reggie.". He just smiles at me. He sits next to me and plays with my hair.

I clear my throat. "Um so . What are we?". "What do you want us to be?". I shrugged. "I want us to be official." I say looking down at my hands. He put his fingers under my chin and made me look at him. "Good cause thats what I wanted us to be.". He smashes his lips into mine. I smile into the kiss. We pull away. "Hello boyfriend." I say laughing. "Hey girlfriend.".


They're together. Will it last tho? Hehe 😏 pls vote
Also sorry for the cringe.
Xoxo me 🤩

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