Chapter 24

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~Grey pov~

Today is graduation! I'm really nervous, scared, excited etc. I already picked up my gown and right now I'm getting ready.

I am so nervous right now. What if I trip on stage? Well I guess it wouldn't matter. Its not like I will be around for another year to hear about it.

As I'm applying my foundation I hear a knock on my door along with a squel.

"You're taking to long to answer. We're coming in." Flynn announced before Flynn, Julie, Carrie, Alex, and Luke barges in my room.

"Wow I have a whole entourage.". "Yah well we wanted to stop you before you went to far." Carrie explains. I wear a face of confusion as Alex snatches my foundation i was about to put on.

Julie gets a wipe and wipes off my little makeup I have on. "Uhhh I kinda needed that.". "We. Are doing your makeup." Jukie smirks.

"Uhhhhh that's not a good idea if Luke does my make up.". "Hey! I can do makeup.". "You really can't baby.". "Baby?" I smirk at Julie.

"Shut up." She mutters. As my entourage starts doing my makeup Reggie comes in and trying to kiss me but Carrie and Alex shove him away.

"I just wanted a kiss." He whimpered. "Awww baby. You can have one when they're done.". "Nooooo." Flynn yells. "Yah you don't want to ruin your makeup."Luke chimes in.

"You can kiss her after she graduates.". "You guys are mean." Reggie sadly sits next Luke who is watching TV on my bed.

"All done.". "Wow. Yall were feeling bold huh? Red lip stick?". "Oh hush you know you look good.".

"Starbucks run?" I ask. "Yes." Luke, Reggie, and Carlos (who was eavesdropping) said. "No."the others quickly said.

"Oh come on why not? Alex you don't want Starbucks?". "I do....but we can't ruin your makeup.". "Oh come on guys. Thats a little excessive." Luke chimes in.

"I know. First I can't get my kiss, then I can't take my princess to Starbucks?" Reggie agrees.

"Whatever. We will leave you two alone." Carrie says. "BUT NO KISSING!!" Flynn yells. "We're serious." Julie adds. "We'll be able to tell if Reggie has lipstick all over him." Luke says smirking. "We wont." I assure them.

They all pile out leaving just me and Reggie. He leans into kiss me put I stop him. "Wait for at least 30 seconds." I wisper. When I heard footsteps going down the stairs, I brought him into a passionate kiss.

"AH HA!!". We pull apart after bumping heads. "OWW!!". "Nope. Okay. Yall have to stay 6 feet away from each other.". "NOOOO!!". "YOU CAN'T DO THAT! I HAVE TO CHILL WITH REG BEFORE I GRADUATE!".

"Fine but if you go on stage with smudged lipstick, I don't want to hear a thing from you.". I nod and go back to kissing Reggie.

"At least wait until we leave!" Luke yelled. Reggie picked up a pillow and threw it at them without breaking the kiss.

"Mhmm.". "I love you so much." Reggie mumbles against my lips. "I love you so much.". We pull away gasping for air. I look at Reggie and start giggling. "What?". "Nice lipstick.".

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