Chapter 5

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~Reggie pov~

I go to May room and knock on the door. I've learned from Julie that girls don't like you in their rooms without permission. "Come in.". I walk in and see her on the bed writing in a notebook. "Hey you ready for the beach. Oh Luke and Julie can't come due to a date. And Alex is grounded. ".

"Okay." She says giggling. "Let me get changed and I'll meet you at my car in 10 minutes .". I nod and leave to go change into my bathingsuit.

At the beach

We get out the car. "I wanna show you something."I say. She nods and I take her hand and drag her to this secret spot I found back in 94. "No one ever comes this far down the beach, so they miss this beautiful sight." I say. "Wow." She says looking to the sea.

"Just wait till sunset." I say. We lay our stuff down and sit on our towels. "So."
"Yah?". "Oh come on May. Talk to me about yourself. I don't even know what your favorite color is." I say dramatically causing her to laugh. "My favorite color is rustic orange.". I give her a 'really' look. "Lets play 21 questions." I say. She looked hesitant but agreed to it.

We asked each other questions back and forth. Then it was my turn again. "Do you play an instrument?". "Uhh no. No I don't.". "But you have a guitar in your room." I say carefully. I didn't want to push her into telling me something if she wasn't ready.

"Yahh. Okay my turn.". That was weird but I dropped it.

After our little game we lay back and look at the stars. "This is peaceful." I say. She nods. "Yah. I do this every night even though you can only see a few stars.". "Oh yah. Did Ray tell you this winter we're going to the West Virginia?" I say excitedly. She sighs. "No. He didn't. No one ever tells me anything. ". I just nod. I see her yawning. She must be tired.

She starts to shiver. I take off my jacket. "Here take it.". I say. She shakes her head. "No. Reggie im fine. Plus I don't need you getting sick and dying again."she laughs. I chuckle. "Please take it." I say. "No. Reg its okay. I promise you im fine. ". She is so stubborn. "Im serious. Take it." I say seriously this time putting it in her hands.

She takes it and puts it on. I smile at my success. "Thank you Reggie." she smiles.

~May pov~

I was shocked that Reggie offered me his jacket. Usally when I'm cold, someone says I should've brought a jacket. I snuggle into the jacket. Soon sleep over takes me.

~Reggie pov~

I look over to see her asleep. She looks so peaceful. I grab our stuff and put it in the car. Then I come back and get Grey. I pick her bridal style. I put her in the car and buckle her up. I hop in the driver's seat. I haven't driven since 95. Let's hope I don't crash.

We make it to the house and I carry her in. I take her up to her room and put her on her bed. I get a blanket and cover her up. She still in her bathing suit cover and my jacket.

(What she was wearing)

I walk into the studio to see the boys smirking at me

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I walk into the studio to see the boys smirking at me. "So." Julie said. "How was your date?" Alex asks. I roll my eyes and sit on the couch. They all follow and stare at me. "It wasn't a date. We were just hanging out. It was supposed to be a group hang out, but the group ditched us." I say moving my hands all over the place.

"We saw you carrying her to her room." Luke said. "She had your jacket on." Alex says as he smirks at me. "Yah Alex. It was cold. She was wearing a bathing suit. I wasn't going to let her freeze." I say in a 'duh' tone. "You didn't have to do that she knows its windy. She should've brought a jacket." Julie says.

Im not going to lie, that was kinda rude. I wonder if they do that all the time to her. "Well im going to sleep." I say. They all nod and leave me alone. Finally.

I hope you enjoyed this little Reggie and may moment. Pls vote. Have a great day or night wherever you're at.
Xoxo me 😚

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