Chapter 21

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~Grey pov~

I passed all my exams! Crazy right. I might not have gotten the highest score which I definitely was upset about, but my family convinced me it was going to be alright.

A few colleges have sent me scholarships, but none in Cali. I really don't want to go far, but right now the odds are not in my favor. I can't do a long distance relationship. I will fall apart without hearing Reggies voice everyday or without feeling him.

If I have to move away that means no hug, no kisses, no sneaking up to the room at 4 am.

The band is really starting to take off even though the boys had to get a restraining order on Bobby.

They have been playing gigs every weekend, and I haven't missed one. Even through finals week, they tried to get me to stay home, but I refused. I wanted to make sure I was always there to tell Julie shes amazing, kiss Reggie, hug Luke, and hype Alex up.

I like going to their shows. It takes my mind off of the fear and anxiety i have.

My thoughts are interrupted when tía walks in my room. "Hola tía.". "Hola mija." She takes a seat next to me on the bed. "Is everything okay. You seem shaken up.".

"Yah. Yah I'm fine. I just...I'm scared. Colleges are sending me letters, but none from Cali. I wanted to stay close to the family. You know? Also its just hitting me that im going to be moving out....on my own. I won't see thr family, the guys, or Reggie as much.".

She pulls me into a hug and rubs my arms. "Its okay mija. Breathe. Instead of looking at it like a scary task, look at it as a new adventure.". A smile erupted on my face due to her enthusiasm.

"Thanks tía.". "No problem mija. Rose and your dad would be so proud of you. I just know it. Now. There is a clingy boyfriend downstairs who is complaining about having no cuddles.". I laugh. "Of course there is.".

I walk downstairs and everyone is getting ready to go to Carlos baseball game. "Is everyone ready? Oh make sure you get a coat. Especially you Greyson. You always forget one." Ray says playfully.

I sarcastically scoff and roll my eyes. "I do not.". "Yes you do." Reggie said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I go and get my jacket.

"Okay what are the car arrangements?". "Julie, Tía, and dad with me." Carlos yells. "Ohhh and Greyson.". "Wow I feel so loved." Alex remarks.

"I can't im driving my car. I'll take the guys with me. We'll meet you there.".

The guys and I head to the car. We were riding in silence other than the radio, when Reggie turned it down, and Luke spoke up. "We are so incredibly proud of you G.".

I can feel my face heating up. "Thanks Luke." I say trying to change the subject.

"No like for real. You had studied so hard, and still managed to be there for us.". Luke continues.

"You're brain is like a human wrecking ball.". "And your voice." Alex adds. I chuckle. "Must everything be wrecking balls with you Luke?". "Yes.".

"Well thanks guys. I couldn't have done it without yall. Alex, if you didn't bring me coffee and chat with me I would've went insane." I laugh.

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