Not ready

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{Previously on Love comes in mysterious ways, Marinette decided to tell Luka that she's Ladybug, but we all know he know it's her, she explained to him the reason why she kept this secret from everyone because she don't want to put the people she care about in danger and especially him. And she told him about the rejection Adrien gave her and Luka confessed to her that he likes her and now, she likes him back.}

Chapter 4: Not ready
Marinette and Luka slowly lean in for a kiss, but Marinette stopped.
Marinette: Sorry. But...
Luka: What's wrong?
Marinette: It's not you, it's just... after what's been going on.
Luka: I get it. You need a moment to clear this up.
Marinette: You're right. I'm glad you understand me. I better go, my parents are wondering where I'm at.
Luka: Okay.
Marinette: Thanks again, Luka.
Luka: Anything for you, Marinette. *Marinette blushed and she walk home, Luka sighed and he blushed too.* (I always knew you were special, Melody. But not this special.)

After the photoshoot, Adrien felt down from what happened.
Plagg: Kid, you're still sulking over your rejection to Marinette?
Marinette: Don't you get it? I messed up. Now she might hate me.
Plagg: Here I go helping you with your love crisis issue. Just apologize to her and maybe she'll be your friend again.
Adrien: I hardly doubt it. But it doesn't hurt to try. *He go to the car and his bodyguard drive to his house. Adrien get his phone out and text Marinette.* (Hopefully she'll reply back.)
A: Hey Marinette. Can we talk? *He turned his phone off and put it in his pocket and wait for it to ding.*

In Marinette's house, Sabine check on the chicken and dumplings in the pot.
Sabine: They should be done soon. *She stir them with a spoon. Timmy and TJ walk downstairs and go to the kitchen.*
Tom: Hey boys.
Timmy: Hi dad.
TJ: Hi dad. *He smell something good.* What smell so good?
Sabine: Chicken and dumplings.
Timmy: Are they done yet?
Sabine: In just a minutes. *Marinette walk inside.*
Tom: Marinette. Right on time yet again. Dinner's be ready in a few minutes.
Marinette: Okay.
Sabine: Can you guys help set the table for us?
TJ: Okay. *Marinette get the plates from the pantry and place them over the place mats, Timmy get the forks and spoons and assemble them too, and TJ get the cups and place them on the table too.*
Sabine: Okay. It's ready. Tom, you got the soup ready?
Tom: Yep. *He did a taste test.* And it's good to go.
Sabine: Good. *Tom turned the stove eye off and pour the soup in a soup dish and get a ladle from the drawer.* Okay. Dinner is ready. *She get a spoon and everyone gets 3 chicken and dumplings and Tom serve everyone some soup. Everyone start eating their food and they all like it.* Well?
TJ: This is good mom and dad.
Tom: Glad you like it.
Timmy: I love chicken and dumplings. My favorite food.
Marinette: I thought lasagna was your favorite food.
TJ: And pasta.
Sabine: And my wonton bombs.
Timmy: Eh. Food is food and I love food. *He eat his dumplings.*
Tom: That's my boy. Takes it after me.
Sabine: I'm sure he does. *She eat some soup, Marinette drink some water and eat her chicken and dumplings, and TJ eat some soup.*

After dinner, Marinette go up to her room and see pictures of Adrien, she sighed at the moment.
Marinette: I know what I have to do. Step one in moving on: Getting rid of pictures of your crush. *She get a box and start taking down her Adrien pictures and take down his schedule too.* It's for the best anyway. *She put everything in the trash and she go on her computer and delete her screen saver on her computer and put in a China screen saver.* There. Everything of Adrien is all gone. *Soon, her phone buzzed. She look at it and it's a message from Adrien.* Adrien?
Tikki: He texted you. You're gonna talk to him?
Marinette: I'm trying not to think too much of him. This is what I have to do to get over him. Which is step 2.
Tikki: What's step 2?
Marinette: Telling your crush to talk later. *She text him back.*
M: Sorry, Adrien. After today, I'm not in the mood to talk. Maybe some other time. *She sent the message.*
Tikki: Think he'll get the message?
Marinette: Yeah. He'll understand. I know I'm a little beat up by his rejection, but I'll be okay.
Tikki: That's good. But try not to be too hard on Adrien.
Marinette: Yeah. But for... I need some distance from him.
Tikki: There you go. Space is good for people, but not too much space.

In Adrien's room, he got the message.
Plagg: What did she say?
Adrien: She doesn't wanna talk right now. Maybe some other time. Was I demanding?
Plagg: No. She just need space from you. You just rejected her and maybe some distance would help her.
Adrien: Maybe you're right. (I need to see her.) I'll visit her as Cat Noir.
Plagg: Ugh. Here we go again.
Adrien: Plagg, claws out!
Plagg: Not again aaaaaaah! *Adrien transform into Cat Noir, he leaves his room and go to Marinette.*

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