Will you accept my apology?

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{Previously on love comes in mysterious ways, so far Marinette's new look is like how she predicted: Nice, Stylin, and pretty. Adrien still feel regrets about what happened and he wants to make things right with Marinette, but he has no clue on what to do. Kagami and Nino suggest him to apologize to her, he's having doubts on how to do that since she told him that she needs space after he rejected her, then Chloé start telling Marinette to stay away from her 🤢 "Adrikins" 🤮🤮🤮🤮 sorry, Marinette told her she can have him and Chloé was surprise about that reaction. How will this work for Adrien when it comes to apologizing? Let's find out.}

Chapter 8: Would you accept my apology?
During the day, Adrien couldn't find the time to apologize, so he decided to write a note instead.
Plagg: I thought you werr gonna apologize to her.
Adrien: I am. I'm just writing this note for her. In a way, I'm apologizing to her.
Plagg: Ugh. Why do I even bother? She's gonna reject your apology.
Adrien: No she won't.
Plagg: You're gonna get rejected again. Just watch.
Adrien: I will not. Just watch. *He finish up the note and he fold it up and put it in his pocket, he go to his next class: Engilish. Outside of the school, he see her, walking.* Marinette, wait! *Marinette turned around and she sees Adrien.*
Marinette: (What now?)
Adrien: Where are you going?
Marinette: Uh... English?
Adrien: Oh. Right. Me too. Before you go, I want to give you this.
Marinette: What is it?
Adrien: Open it up and read it.
Marinette: Okay? *She open the paper and read it, she look at him and she didn't smile for anything.* Adrien, I appreciate your apology, but it's gonna take time for me to forgive you just yet.
Adrien: Oh. Right, right. I get it.
Marinette: Thank you though.
Adrien: You're welcome. *She walk away from him.* Hey, I was wondering if you would... *He look and she wasn't there, he look at her walking away.* Shut down. This is gonna be a long process. (I can't give up just yet.)

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