Desparation's coming

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{Previously on love comes in mysterious ways, after Marinette read Adrien's apology note and she thought about not forgiving his apology just yet. It takes time for her to think about it and maybe accept it. Then at lunch, she showed her friends the note he gave her, they question her if she was sure she would forgive him, then it wasn't long when they know and find out Luka's love for Marinette, so she told them everything: his confession of course. They also saw the connection between them the last time they saw them together, they knew they would be cute together. Marinette decided to sit next to Luka and talk for a minute, Adrien saw them talking, he immediately start to feel hatred inside of him. The guys start to tell him that he's jealous, but typical Adrien won't even admit it. Will it take him time for him to admit that he's jealous or will he still be in denial? Let's find out in this chapter.}

Chapter 10: Desperation's coming

After lunch, people start going to their next class (4th period), Marinette go to her locker and get her algebra textbook, Adrien see her by her locker, he look around and he see no sign of Luka.
Adrien: (Perfect, now's my chance.) *He go up to her and tap on her shoulder, she turned around and see Adrien.*
Marinette: Yes, Adrien?
Adrien: (Weird. She's jump or anything.) Hey, Marinette. Can I walk you to your next class?
Marinette: That's nice of Adrien, but I got it. It's not too far.
Adrien: Oh. Okay, um... doing anything after school? *She walk upstairs to Algebra class and Adrien follow her up.*
Marinette: I'm signing up for an after school program. I decided to take up sewing.
Adrien: You are?
Marinette: Yes.
Adrien: Wow... that's... pretty cool. *Soon, he bumped into someone.* Sorry.
Marinette: You okay?
Adrien: Yeah, just bumped into... *He look up and see Luka.* Luka?
Marinette: You should probably do less talking and more paying attention.
Adrien: Noted.
Luka: Marinette, can I talk to you for a moment?
Marinette: I don't wanna be late. How about after class?
Luka: Sure. Just let me know.
Marinette: Okay. *She go into Miss Pinto's class.*
Luka: You okay?
Adrien: Yeah, I'm alright. Sorry for bumping into you.
Luka: It's alright. Try to look where you're going. The last thing you need is messed up face. *He walk downstairs to his next class, Adrien look at Luka and he start to feel a negative feeling inside of him.*
Adrien: (I don't know what you got planned, but it will not work out.)

Inside Miss Pinto's class, Marinette see Alix, Max, Nathaniel, Rose, and Ivan.
Marinette: Hey.
Rose: Hi, Marinette. How'd it go?
Marinette: It was okay. Think I might give him a chance.
Alix: There you go. Hopefully this will be better.
Marinette: Hope so. *Soon, the bell ringed and Miss Pinto close the door and face everyone.*
Miss Pinto: Good afternoon, students.
Everyone in class: Good afternoon, Miss Pinto.
Miss Pinto: Before we begin, I would like to take role. When I call your name, say here or present. *She get the clipboard with the student roster out and her pen too.* Kevin Bjork?
Kevin: Present. *Miss Pinto mark him present.*
Miss Pinto: Ivan Bruel?
Ivan: Here. *Miss Pinto mark him here.*
Miss Pinto: Jonica Collins?
Jonica: Here, Miss Pinto. *Miss Pinto mark her here.*
Miss Pinto: Francine Cruz?
Francine: Here. *Miss Pinto mark her here.*
Miss Pinto: Marinette Dupain-Cheng?
Marinette: Present. *Miss Pinto mark her present.*
Miss Pinto: Danielle Gregors?
Danielle: Here. *Miss Pinto mark her here.*
Miss Pinto: Steve Howard?
Steve: Present. *Miss Pinto mark him present.*
Miss Pinto: Rachel Johnson?
Rachel: Here. *Miss Pinto mark her here.*
Miss Pinto: Max Kante?
Max: Present. *Miss Pinto mark him present.*
Miss Pinto: Alix Kubdel?
Alix: Here. *Miss Pinto mark her here.*
Miss Pinto: Nathaniel Kurtzberg?
Nathaniel: Present. *Miss Pinto mark him present.*
Miss Pinto: Rose Lavillant?
Rose: Here. *Miss Pinto mark her here.*
Miss Pinto: Beatrice Leonard?
Beatrice: Here. *Miss Pinto mark her here.*
Miss Pinto: David Michaels?
David: Present? *Miss Pinto mark him present.*
Miss Pinto: Okay 5 more students. Lucy Olsen?
Lucy: Here. *Miss Pinto mark her here.*
Miss Pinto: Kassidy Stevens?
Kassidy: Here and still beautiful. *Miss Pinto mark her here. Her friend Jonica gave her a high five, so did Megan.*
Miss Pinto: Megan Tanner?
Megan: Present. *Miss Pinto mark her present.*
Miss Pinto: Xavier Williams?
Xavier: Present. *Miss Pinto mark him present.*
Miss Pinto: And Jeremy Willis?
Jeremy: Here. *She mark him here.*
Miss Pinto: Okay. Full class yet again. *She put the clipboard on the desk.* Okay. Today we will learn about algebraic equations. *She wrote it on the board and gave everyone.* Now I know this is a tough lesson but we'll go over it and get a better understanding on how to do it, okay? *Everyone said okay to Miss Pinto.* Now, for example. X/5+7=-3. *She write it down on the board.* This one should be easy to do because we're trying to get X. Who can tell me what should we do first? *Max raise his hand.* Max?
Max: You subtract 7 to both the 7 and the 3.
Miss Pinto: Yes. *She subtract 7 to both the 7 and the 3.* 3-7 will give you -10. Now what do you do next? *Jeremy raise his hand.* Jeremy?
Jeremy: You bring the x/5=-10 down.
Miss Pinto: Yes. You bring them down. *She write it down.*
Alix: This is easy.
Marinette: This is just beginners lesson. Just wait till it gets harder.
Alix: I'm ready for anything.
Miss Pinto: So since we got a division side, what is the opposite of division? *Marinette raise her hand.* Marinette?
Marinette: Multiplication.
Miss Pinto: Yes. So you multiply 5 to the 5 and -10, what do you get? *Max raise his hand.* Yes, Max?
Max: -50.
Miss Pinto: Correct. X=-50. *She write it down on the board and circle the answer.* Now to make sure we got the right answer, we plug in the answer to x. So if I plug in -50 to x, which will be -10, then do the math. *She plug in -50 to x and write it above the problem and do the math.* Which will be -10+7, which its... -3. That's how you do it.
Megan: Boring.
Kassidy: I know.
Miss Pinto: Let's do another one. 2x-3=7. You guys do this one on your own and we'll go over it. *They get to work on the problem.*

After a few minutes, they got over it.
Miss Pinto: Okay. Who would like to start it off? *Rose raise her hand.* Rose?
Rose: First, you add 3 to both sides.
Miss Pinto: Okay. Add three to both sides. *She write it  on the board.*And what do you get?
Rose: 2x=10.
Miss Pinto: Okay. What else?
Rose: Divide 2 to both sides and it'll give you x=5. *Miss Pinto write it down.*
Miss Pinto: Okay. Are we done?
Rose: No.
Miss Pinto: Okay. What else can we do?
Rose: Plug in the answer to X.
Miss Pinto: Okay. So... *She plug it in and solve it.* 2(5)-3=7. Is that correct? *Everyone answer yes to Miss Pinto.* Good. I'll write down 8 problems and I want you copy and solve them before class is over. *She get the textbook and write down the problems and everyone work on them.*

After the lesson, which leaves 5 minutes until class is over, Miss Pinto gone over the problems and so far everyone is getting them.
Miss Pinto: Okay. Since you all fully understand the method of algebraic equations, we will try another method on this next class. Remembers this for your next quiz. *She erase the board and write down homework.* Now for tonight's homework, I want you all to do page 124 numbers 1-10 and a practice assignment I'm about to hand out. Make sure you do that too. *Some people moaned at that.* Now now, I know this is not your thing, but you're gonna have to learn how to do this stuff and get a better understanding too. *She hold out the papers and pass them out to everyone and go back to her desk. Then the bell ringed.* Class dismiss. See you all tomorrow. *They all grab their stuff and leave the classroom and head outside.*
Rose: That was easy.
Marinette: It was. Could've been better. *She go to her locker and get her social studies textbook and notebook too.* Just one more class. *She close her locker and what she didn't know was Adrien beside her.*
Adrien: Hey, Marinette.
Marinette: Gaaah! *She punch him in the face.*
Adrien: Ow!
Marinette: Adrien? What are you doing?
Adrien: Feeling pain in my nose. Think I'm getting a nose bleed.
Marinette: Why are you by my locker?
Adrien: I want to talk to you, that's all.
Marinette: We talked earlier. What is it you wanna talk about now?
Adrien: Well... I wanted to see if you would kiss... I mean, do something later this weekend. Just you and me.
Marinette: No.
Adrien: That's gre... what? Why no?
Marinette: I'm gonna be busy with stuff and helping Kitty Section with their stuff.
Adrien: Oh that stuff can wait. I just wanna spend time with you.
Marinette: Okay listen. This. Is not helping the situation. I told you I need space and you're not giving me space. I told you I need space and you're not getting it.
Adrien: I'm sorry that I rejected you, I just wanna make things right with you.
Marinette: Sorry, Adrien. But I can't be around you anymore. I need space and you're being... clingy. *She walk away, Adrien watch her walk away and he start to feel guilty and sad about this.*
Adrien: I'm gonna have to do something for her. But what? *He thinks for a little bit and he got it.* Perfect. This will definitely get her to forgive and maybe love me all over again. (Agreste, you are a genius.)

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