Merry Christmas

330 19 4


December 25th, 2020


I looked out the window from my hospital bed and sighed once again I was in the hospital with severe injuries I almost died this time tears flowed down my face as I thought about my children I have a broken arm fractured ribs and deep wounds on my face

"Mommy?" Armani walked in the room with my uncle and Amari I lightly smiled

"Hey babies" I looked to her and held my arm out she ran to me and hugged me Amari ran with his little chunky legs I giggled she jumped on me and I whimpered in pain she looked at me with worry plastered on her face

"I'm okay baby" I gave her a weak smile

"Hey Autumn" My uncle spoke


"I was wondering can we talk?"

"About?"  I asked as He sat Armani and Amari down in the chair and gave them the ipads that I bought them for Christmas

"Santana died" I tensed at the mention of his name 

"Wow" I paused "How?"

"He had a heart attack" he looked down and cleared his throat

"Look I know what happened between you two and I'm sorry it happened" 

"But he wanted to give you something in his will"

"But I don't know what it is"

"I don't want it"

"But Autumn-"

"I said I don't want it I don't want anything from him," I said as my voice cracked 

"I know this is hard but my daughter wants to see you and so does the rest of the family we really owe you an apology"

"Elise?" I looked at him like he had three heads 

"She said she never wanted to talk to me because I quote on quote ruined the family "

"She wants to patch things up between you guys now that you're both adults"

"I don't have shit to say to her she turned her back on me like everyone else did when I needed them the most but when she came out and said Santana touched her yall believed her but when I said I was raped yall found it hard to, believe me, I was fucking 6 years old why would I lie about something like that? He's sick he's a psycho but they didn't believe me and look what happened," I said as I was filled with anger and tears were brought to her eyes

"I know and I'm sorry I'm sorry for not believing you"

"I can't even believe this and your sister hates me she doesn't want anything to do with me because she believes her daddy is the perfect man but as soon as I came I made him seem like the monster he is"

"And you're completely right I can't explain Gabriella's actions she has not been herself since the divorce" He referred to my grandfather and grandmothers divorce 

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