
130 6 2

March  13th

"Come on babe we're gonna be late" I pulled my dress down

"Why are you wearing that?" He looked me up and down

"I wanted to look cute-"

"Look cute for who?" He cut me off

"For you obviously" He ran his hands down his face

"I picked you out an outfit already and you chose to wear this so you can look cute so who you tryna look cute for"

"Jay it's not that serious-"

"It's that serious because I said it's that fucking serious Autumn stop playing with me" He yelled as he knocked over everything on the vanity

I jumped at his tone

"Stop Jay the kids are sleeping" I picked everything off the floor and put it back on the vanity

"Why do you keep doing this" I asked him

"You said you would stop being so controlling but your not" I took the dress off and out the track suit outfit on

"That's better baby now come on" He tried to kiss me and I moved away

"Don't be mad come on don't be like that" I walked away from him ignoring him I grabbed my purse and went in the car

I breathed in and out and cried I put my hand over my mouth and sobbed I saw Jabari exit the house I wiped my tears and looked in the rear view mirror to see if it looked like I was crying

I sniffed and wiped my nose

"Okay you ready?" He got into the drivers seat and sat back

I nodded my head

"I'm going to Anika's house tonight" I told him

"Are you asking me or telling me"

"I'm telling you I'm going wether you want me to or not" I rolled my eyes

"You know what" He laughed

"You make this shit so hard" He raised his voice

"Well what do you want me to do Jabari huh this shit is toxic you always doing to fucking much" I bounced my leg up and down

"Well I wouldn't have to do to much if you would just do what I fucking say" He yelled at me pointing his finger in my face I slapped his hand away from my face

"Just shut up and drive so we can get to the dinner"

We arrived to the dinner place and luckily it was a casual setting

I closed the car door and he grabbed my hand and squeezed it

"Cut that attitude out" He said through his teeth as he fake smiled to Roman and Anika

"I wouldn't have an attitude if you knew how to control your anger" I removed my hands from his

He grabbed my behind making me jump

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