The truth of Lust

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-January 6th-

Tonight is the night I have to tell Jabari that I'm pregnant I know I shouldn't have done it but I don't regret my child it just could've been better timing



"Can you watch the kids for me tonight I have some where to go"

"Yea of course I'll be there in about half an hour"

"Thank you so much I'll put you double since it's such short notice"

"Now you know you're family" I smiled

"Okay I gotta go I'll see you when you get here"

"Mommy is Mariana coming?" She asked repeatedly

"Yes Armani she's coming okay" Amari started crying I sighed frustratedly I pushed my hair behind my ear and walked over to his crib

"Hey baby whats wrong?" I said to Amari as he jumped up and down in his crib

"Mommyy!!" Amari said smiling

Armani started running around and screaming

"Armani sit down" I told her and she continued

I picked up Amari and brought him to the changing table

"Armani I said sit down!" I yelled at her she stopped and looked at me She started crying I groaned

"Armani stop crying I'm sorry I yelled at you your just hard headed"

I gasped as I felt a pain in my chest

"No no no not now" I put my hand over my chest as it got hard to breathe I was having a panic attack tears fell down my face and Armani looked at me confused I fell on the couch as let my breathing steady

"Mommy's okay" She nodded her head I continued to change Amari ignoring the dull pain in my chest I heard a knock on the door and sighed in relief

"Hi Mariana" I hugged her

"Are you okay My dear?" She lifted my chin as I let her into the apartment

"Yes I'm fine Armani has a attitude today" I laughed

"She's sassy just like her mom" I smiled and turned the TV on

"Breaking News Beloved rapper Lucas Coly has suddenly passed away earlier this week in a fatal car accident that was caused by drunk driving the press has asked to interview the late stars family but they had refused"

"Daddy?" Armani looked at his picture on the TV She gasped

"Mommy look daddies on TV he's famous" she said excitedly Mariana looked at me in pity I hurried and changed the channel I handed her Amari kissed his chubby cheeks and grabbed my purse

"Armani come here" I said to her

"Yes mommy?"

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