You dont know what love is

130 9 3

January 27th

I heard someone open the door I looked around at all the empty bottles of liquor and sighed rubbed my temples and got up when I opened the door I was met with a fist

"You like putting your hands on females huh?" Roman picked me up by my shirt

"Well fight me come on" He dropped me

"I'm not bout to fight you bro I didn't mean to hit her she was-" He punched me in my jaw making me bleed I wiped the blood off my lip and tried to swing back but I just ended up falling I laughed at myself

Roman sighed

"Man why can't you just get it together you hurt her you messed up bad and you're never gonna get her back so fix yourself up and get it together you brought this upon yourself" He said I scoffed

"Yea right she'll be back" I wiped my face off with my shirt he walked out the room I sat in my bed and thought about what was I gonna do about this...


I sat in my car at the red light and re thought my decision of going back to his house I have to do it right?...

I got to the drive way and got my taser out my purse and took a deep breath before entering the house

"Roman?" I asked


I drove back to my house and sighed she shouldn't be going through this she's already been through so much...

"Hello" I answered the phone

"Autumn left" Anika said

"Left where?" I turned right into the neighborhood

"She went back to Jabari's house" She said and I hit the brakes

"What?!" I asked

"Yea she left a while ago I thought she was okay but I called her and it went straight to voice mail I'm starting to get worried" She said

"You should?! That nigga is crazy why didn't you tell me in the first place Anika?" I yelled

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know she was gonna get hurt Roman I'm sorry"

"Ight bro I'll call you when I get back home" I said heated why would she let her go and not tell me about it


"Roman?" I heard Autumn say I walked to the door of the bedroom and stood in the closet

"Roman?" She said coming into the room she walked around in the room looking at the blood on the carpet and the empty liquor bottles on the floor

"What the heck happened?" She back up closer to the closet and I put my hand over her mouth


I gasped as I felt someone out there hand over my mouth

"Shhh" Jabari said as he pushed me on the floor the taser fell out my back pocket onto the floor

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