|The first red flag|

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I walked into the hospital as I fixed my scrubs they were a bit wrinkly I finally got my dream job a pediatric nursing degree I walked down the hallway I put makeup on the best I could to hide some of the bruises Lucas left on my body

"Miss Alsina can you come in here please" my co-worker Jane asked me

"Yes ma'am I can" I walked in the room with her and she closed the door

"I think you should take the day off" she looked me in my eyes

"Why? I'm fine Miss O'Brien" She inhaled sharply

"But your not I can see through your make up sweetie and you seem tired"  I sighed

"Are you okay?" She asked me

"Yea I just had an accident at the house" Jane was one of the cool nurses so she wouldn't tell on me or anything she's the pull you to the side and tell you personally type of person I love that about her

"Thank you Jane really" I grabbed my purse

"Your welcome sweetie get some rest" she nodded as she opened the door and I led myself out I walked in the parking lot and checked my phone I saw 5 missed calls from Lucas I sighed and opened my car door I sat down slowly and thought about everything that's been going wrong in my life I've never been happy I can never be happy I just wish I saw the first red flag...


|Summer of Sophomore year|

"Look at him he eyeing you down girl," Brianna said to me and this boy named Lucas stared me down it made me feel weird considering I'm only 15...And I wasn't really a social person I was really a popular loner

"Heyy" Lucas came up to me I looked at him he was much taller then me I was intimidated

"H-hey Lucas" I smiled He chuckled

"I saw you standing over here and I thought to myself she's too pretty for me not to get her number" he cheesed

"You want my number?" I blushed Lucas was popular at school I was more of a popular loner I didn't talk to many people but people knew me because of my mom and dad they're famous and my last name is Alsina so people obviously make the connections

"Yes, Can I have your number Autumn?" He smirked

"Sure it's 210-376-2641"  he put my number in his phone as Future😍🥰💕 I smiled to myself and out his name as Future😍✨ to match his

"Thank you I'll text you later" he winked at me the girls came back over her and bombarded me with questions

"Girl did you get his number?!"

"Do you like him?!"

"I heard he disrespects women.." Taylor said

"You heard and you know is two different things Taylor," I said defensively

"Hey I'm just saying Autumn don't shoot the messenger" she threw he hands up I laughed as a boy walked up to me

"Hey Autumn right?"  He extended his hand I accepted it

"Yes I am Autumn" I replied

"Hey, I'm Kaleb I was wondering if I could take you out on a date sometime?" He asked I looked back at Lucas and saw him clenching his jaws

"I- I'm sorry I can't" he looked at Lucas then back at me and nodded his head

"It's all good I understand" he left the table

"Girl you getting all the fine dudes tonight leave me some" I chuckled lightly at her comment

"Autumn can I talk to you" he looked up at Brianna and Taylor

"Alone," he said as they left the room I saw something snap in his eyes

"What's wrong Lucas?" I backed away from him

"Why were you talking to that boy," he said as he clenched his fist in a ball

"I-I told him I was with you I promise," I said scared He stroked my cheek as his face softened

"Autumn why are you shaking I'm not gonna hurt you baby" he caressed me

First red flag...

I wish I paid attention to the signs then I wouldn't be here fighting for my life and fighting for my children I wouldn't be hurting and I wouldn't be depressed I wish I would've seen the first red flag...

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