8-Ball gets depressed and also has a stroke (SHORT)

117 2 0

Private Messages: 8finity and Gorfbawl


8finity: GB

Gorfbawl: what

8finity: I got decpursed

Gorfbawl: you got what now

8finity: deprsed

8finity: dekessed

8finity: depressed

Gorfbawl: took you long enough also how

8finity: they took my sarcasm seriously henlp

Gorfbawl: really

Gorfbawl: you asked me for help on THAT

8finity: yes

Gorfbawl: are you actually though

8finity: yesn't

Gorfbawl: ok cya

*Gorfbawl is offline.*

8finity: no wait

8finity: GB come back

8finity: pls

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