threats (short)

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*Private Messages: BluGod + Toot"

Toot: heck yeah mah show is starting soon

BluGod: shut up

Toot: no

BluGod: I will do things to you if you don't

Toot: o rlly? What?

BluGod sent a image.

Toot: what's that

BluGod: what I intend to stop you talking that takes your advantage of bit being attracted to anyone

Toot: Yeah but HOW I don't understand that

BluGod: I grab spray cream and spray it on your *lower areas*

Toot: 🙁

Toot is offline.

*PM'S: Dervid. + Dorito*

Dorito: I hate this Name

Dervid: cool

Dorito: i will clap your arse in if you don't shut up

Dervid: would you want the ship to become real

Dorito: the what

Dervid: Bruh, people ship us

Dorito: unsee juice. now.

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