YF'S Dope Appreciation Party

99 2 6

NOTE: there is a image of two men loving each other in here
*Group Chat: a party
Members: Teardrop (STFU), YF, Gaty (Who?), 63 others.
Name Changing: On
Online: All*

Pinned Message:
BluGod: any disrespect to him and I'll screech your butts in
STFU: yoo how we doin

Poof: Good

STFU: nobody asked you Puffball

Leafy: why did we even throw this thing?

[E]raser: well he saved Death PACT from dying and that's all it took

YF: I decided a game for this cool party

YaBoiX: cool what is it?

YF: something called Jackbox!

GelloFello sent a image:

GelloFello: we playing Tee K

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GelloFello: we playing Tee K.O?

YF: Bro I don't have pack uh I think it was 3?

BluGod: bummer

YF: I got all of them because I'm a rich boi

*Two joined the chat.*

Two: oioi my chaps


Two: nah /:)

seriously: he's dead

spenish: yeah

Hated: I got my name changed back

Two: wow I didn't ask

YaBoiX: slightly better

PF: so how the hell does this work

YF: eh I'll leave the tutorials on just decide on a game for now

RINGRINGAL: ooh! I like that one that's marked by the black soap in pack 6

*FJ, Grassy and Rocky are offline.*

Firaay: it could be too freaky for them

*FJ is online.*

FJ: I'm not a coward bro tf

YF: so code is DONE get in while you can or get stuck with audience

BlueberryBiatch: nice coincidence bc I'm DONE with this already

*BlueberryBiatch is offline.*

spenish: oh I got in

seriously: lol me too even though I type one letter per second

Gollector: oh me as well

BH: same, so did Pencil, Match, Teardrop and FJ.

YF: everyone else got audience but I'm just gonna watch XD

FJ: bet all of you five pound now I won't get afraid

PF: lets do thisss


seriously: oh dang @Gollector won gg

Gollector: wow thanks guys sorry you all died in a explosion

FJ: I told you I wouldn't get afraid lol

Donut: you were literally screaming your lungs out when you were 'killed', and again when the hotel got blew up

FJ: well I owe everyone here five quid now

YF: Alright we staying in pack 6 what we doin next?

*Grassy and Rocky are online.*

Rocky: we back

Grassy: Yeah! I kinda like the boat

Hated: I want to get off the Joke Boat, I'd rather drown.

Bomby: Bro what

YF: ok code is DBTN

PF: oh god it's literally me against everyone on BEEP minus Nickel

Nickel: insert the message Spongy just sent here

PF: understandable


YF: ooo twist time

Rocky: wut

Heliumm: its just a duck what do you mean

Gollector: Bro move outta the way


Leafy: so the boats sinking now

YF: Yes


PF: oh I won

Nickel: at the cost of everyone else on the boat drowning

Gollector: >:(

Nickel: ok not cloudy and he just carries everyone else so nobody died

YF: feel bad for the offscreen people though

And___IsDead: yeah F for them

BluGod: F

YaBoiX: F

Two: no F we changing games

YF: To?

Two: Tee K.O

GelloFello: :D

YF: fine let's do that then

FJ: Oh all of TIC got in

GelloFello: your butts about to get rekt

Hated: we'll see


GelloFello: HOW DID @Hated WIN

Hated: experience

Two: he makes sense I guess

notlosing: I want to die

Poof: same we haven't even gotten the best game yet

YF: wuzzat?


Two: obviously the 3rd one, that's always superior

YF: oi two can you host I'm drained as heck right now

Two: sure mate

*YF is offline.*

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