The Chat Is Made (Rewritten)

881 8 5

(Rewritten for: Correct spacing)

~BluGod added StillOnFire and 20 others~

FruitLeaf: OK, what is this?


HeatProof: IDK, got invited here. Who the heck's the leader of this joint?

BluGod: I'm literally your host idiot

help: hw d I typ

FruitLeaf: Oh right Woody has no clue what a phone is.

help: k I got it nw

StillOnFire: this name is ironic

~StillOnFire changed name to IcedEquation~
~Hated and Poof joined the chat~

IcedEquation: better

Poof: I literally have no limbs how do I type

Hated: you're using your face, we're in the same room.

~NotLosing joined the chat~

NotLosing: I'm still in this onion thing

Poof: It's a jawbreaker dumbbutt

Stalked and willdieforice joined the chat~

wildieforice: you can't leave me behind icy

Stalked: uh

~Stalked is now offline~

willdieforice: nuuuu

BluGod: do you want a reason to why you're here or not

FruitLeaf: yes everyone is just weird

BluGod: okay I just want you guys to socialise on here so uh enjoy or something

~BluGod is now offline~

(Quick swap to reality)
[10 minutes later]
~BluGod is now online~
~99+ messages~
4: what the freak

(back to the chat)

FreshFoiliage: Alright I'm here but why did you want me here at midnight like the rest of us

NotLosing: a

~NotLosing is now offline~
~FreshFoiliage and 17 others are now offline~

IDontTalk: thank god

IcedEquation: Oh you do talk

IDontTalk: it says don't talk not don't text

~IDontTalk and IcedEquation are now offline~

~Individual Messages~
FreshFoiliage: really what was that for


NotLosing: a


FreshFoiliage: w h y

OK, there's chapter one of this ride! Not all 20 characters were mentioned, but who has the most potential? Anyway, here's a sneak look at a event that happens next time!

???: ok I'm comin then
???: wait I was joking
~??? Is now offline~
???: what did you do
???: you obviously heard so there
???: b r u h

Weird, eh? Anyways, see you then!

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