Home Invasion (Rewritten)

262 0 4

*Group Chat: Main Chat*
Online: BluGod, GelloFello

GelloFello: 4 can you explain something

BluGod: wat

GelloFello: those two are literally in my team's house

BluGod: who

*GelloFello sent a image*

BluGod: oh

BluGod: sure you don't want them in


BluGod: ok I'll find some people to get them out

*Private Chat: LF people to clear out Gelatins place*
Online: FruitLeaf, notlosing, willdieforice, BluGod

BluGod: okay guys

BluGod: u know why we're here

willdieforice: to get those two out

notlosing: I mean we're in the same room so I saw you were gonna type stalk icy

FruitLeaf: oh you can speak in normal stuff

BluGod: lets just focus on the task at hand

BluGod: when I put YEET in the chat you storm the house and get some others to join the raid kay

notlosing: easy for me

*LiteratureTwit and MEXICANO joined the chat.
MEXICANO changed their name to Taco.*

LiteratureTwit: is this name necessary

Taco: yes

*rubes and adspam joined the chat.*

adspam: I'll drive them out via annoyance

rubes: gods sake

notlosing: no no, he's got a point

*caek, Poof and deadweight joined the chat.*

deadweight: really

caek: Yep

Poof: your team is weird to you huh

deadweight: Yep

BluGod: one more should do it

*blih joined the chat.*

blih: I cannt typ

deadweight: why the hell was it ROCKY

*Flower joined the chat.*

Flower: imma get revenge on this *****

BluGod: well a extra one is perfect

BluGod: I'll invite you 12 to the chat

*BluGod and 11 others are now offline.*

*Private Chat: STORM THE HOUSE*
Online: BluGod, FruitLeaf, notlosing, willdieforice, LiteratureTwit, Taco, rubes, adspam, caek, Poof, deadweight, blih, Flower, GelloFello.

GelloFello: you got a good group together

GelloFello: minus roboty

deadweight: shut up you butt

GelloFello: and book has a cool name too

LiteratureTwit: cool to you

*seriously and SpeakEnglish joined the chat.*

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