Project Girlfriend (1/2)

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*Private Chat: Project Girlfriend
Members: PF, origaymi, redsaviour, poof, inkyguy.
Online: All*


origaymi: alright you guys know the plan right

inkyguy: yeah

redsaviour: pretty sure I do

poof: I still find it awkward how he likes me but alright

PF: I suppose

origaymi: so we need to set YF and loli up somehow anyone know her name on the system?

inkyguy: I think I do let me check

inkyguy: yeah it's @Fork_Repellent01

poof: that's like her

origaymi: anyway I set @bombheh to act as a message person / spy so we can see how this goes

*origaymi invited bombheh to the chat.
bombheh is online.*

bombheh: ok so we already got progress

bombheh: they're planning on heading to watch that new horror thing

inkyguy: you mean object forest 2? I've seen it, that's scary stuff

bombheh: Yep that's the one

PF: this is going to come together greatly

origaymi: so make sure to update us alright

bombheh: well it's gonna start soon so I gotta go offline

*bombheh is offline.*

PF: so what now?

poof: I got smash if you guys wanna play

inkyguy: even without limbs?

poof: do you want to or not

inkyguy: ok ok fine

*Everyone is offline.*

*Group Chat: Project Girlfriend (Public)
Members: PF, bombheh, poof, inkyguy, 25 others.
Online: All (But bombheh)
(Don't expect me to do all 25 others though)


hated: who am I

poof: *insert the I have no idea meme here*

inkyguy: hmmm

inkyguy: you're hated so maybe clock

PF: bruh how do you not know who you are

poof: nice burn

hated: meh I'm probably not important

*BluGod changed hated's name to Spongy.*

poof: he can do that?

Spongy: well I guess that makes sense

barfy: Nah I think you're good

PF: if you're gonna couple up do it in private messages geeeeeeez

poof: are you turning into that photographer girl from danganronpa

PF: Maybe

blox: If yf falls headfirst does that count as falling on his face or body

PF: what the hell

blox: he's literally just a face, so his face counts as a body, so what would that mean?

inkyguy: H M M M

blox: r/showerthoughts

poof: that makes so much and so little sense at the same time


origaymi: @all hey the films over

*bombheh is online.*

origaymi: well here we go

blox: aight lets see this

PF: this better have worked

poof: yeah

Spongy: this is chaos

inkyguy: or just you in general

bombheh: ok yall ready? i was able to snap a photo of the result lemme send it....

To Be Continued LOL
(btw the cover of the next chapter is the photo he got)

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