Chapter 24

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The plane landed safely in New York and Shu and Sora were currently walking through the doors of the Raging Bulls headquarters. "Well it took you long enough to find her Kurenai." A familiar voice said in a scolding tone. Lui stood in front of the two bladers with his arms crossed over his chest and his usual scowl on his face. "Well at least I was actually looking for her." Shu replied. "Come on guys, I just got back from being chained to a wall and starved. Is this what you two have been doing the whole time?" Sora asked. "Of course not." Lui scoffed. "We were both looking for you. I was worried about you." He said. "Well please forgive me for making you worry, Lord of the Sharks." Sora said. "Now you're in for it." Lui said. He charged at Sora who took off running across the lobby and towards the stairs. Sora opened the door leading to the stairs before running through it and up the stairs with Lui close behind her. "Come on Sharkboy, I thought you could run faster than that!" Sora taunted. "COME BACK HERE!" Lui yelled as he chased the white and gold haired blader up the stairs. The two continued running up the stairs, Lui slowly catching up to Sora. The two bladers burst out of the door to the training room floor. Sora was pinned underneath Lui. "Please have mercy Sharkboy." Sora said. The blue flame haired blader began to tickle her, causing her to laugh uncontrollably. "HAHA! S-STOP! PLEASE! HAHAHA!" Sora yelled between laughs. "Not until you apologize." Lui replied, continuing to tickle the white and gold haired blader. "I-I'M SORRY!" Sora managed to say before laughing again. Lui stopped tickling the gold eyed blader and stood up. "Don't call me Sharkboy." He said. "I won't, for now." Sora said as she stood up. The two walked into the empty training room, they saw Shu standing in front of the TV which was showing Aiger's grudge match against Hearts. Lui and Sora walked down the stairs and over to Shu. "It just started so you haven't missed anything." The albino blader said without taking his eyes off of the TV. "This place will be your own personal nightmare. So, let me welcome you, my dear Aiger." Hearts said. "You always say the same stuff! I'm tired of it!" Aiger yelled. "Now be careful." Shu said, well aware that the maroon haired blader couldn't hear him. "I see you've gotten your hands on a new bey." Hearts said. "Uh huh. And thanks to this new upgrade, Cho-Z Achilles and I are going to-" Aiger was interrupted. "Blow me away? I'm not the only one who says the same stuff." Hearts said. "Don't be such a copycat!" Aiger growled. "I hope you can enter to Turbo Awakened state. I'm so looking forward to it. But I wonder, are you even capable of doing something like that?" Hearts said. Aiger only growled in response. "You want to see me defeat Achilles? What do you say everyone?" Hearts asked, turning to the crowd. The crowd erupted in cheers. "There you have it." Hearts said, turning back to Aiger. "Not this again... Just because most of the crowd is on your side doesn't mean you're going to win." Sora said. Hearts and Aiger got into their launching positions. Aiger backed away from the stadium and held his launcher to his right side. Hearts flicked his hair, letting out a laugh before holding his launcher out in front of him. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison. Aiger ran towards the stadium before leaping into the air and pulled the ripcord as hard as he could, spinning around as he did. Achilles' Cho-Z wings didn't activate before it landed in the stadium. Achilles and Hades chased each other around the stadium. "They didn't activate." Lui said. "Something tells me that Aiger has something else up his sleeve." Sora said. "Are you holding back? Or maybe you can't enter the Turbo Awakened state after all! If you can't enter the Turbo Awakening then this battle is pointless! I guess we're in for another boring bout." Hearts said. Hades went to attack Achillies but missed and hit the stadium wall. "What?!" Hearts yelled, seeming to be shocked. Hades was sent of balance and was going haywire, the frame scraping the bottom of the stadium as the bey attempted to regain it's balance. "Hades has lost it balance and is going out of control!" Hanami said. "Yes! My plan actually worked!" Aiger said. "He used Hades' weight against itself." Shu said. "There's a reason that kid beat me." Lui said. "There sure is Sharkboy." Sora said. "Why you..." Lui growled. "Dead Impulse!" Hearts suddenly yelled, causing Sora and lui to snap their attention back to the TV. "Alright now Achilles!" Aiger yelled. Hades and Achillies collided in the center of the stadium. "Give 'em your Turbo Upper!" Aiger yelled. Hades was sent flying out of the stadium, giving Aiger a ring out finish. "Is that all you've got?" Hearts taunted. "A ring out finish. The score is one to nothing!" The referee said. "Yes!" Aiger cheered. "So, you had a fallback plan for if you couldn't enter Turbo Awakening. Talk about boring." Hearts said. "Say what?!" Aiger yelled. "I know you guys want to see me defeat Cho-Z Achilles. But wouldn't it be better if it was in it's Turbo Awakened state?" Hearts said, looking at the crowd. The crowd's cheers were louder than before. Hearts turned back to Aiger. "Hear that Aiger. Come on, don't you know you have to give the people what they want?" Hearts said. "What a brilliant strategy. However, he'll never be able to use it against Hearts again. So, now what?" Shu said. In the next round Hearts got a ring out finish. "Enter your Turbo Awakened state already. If you insist on wasting my time then I won't hesitate to destroy you!" Hearts said. "He threatened to destroy Aiger's bey again?" Lui said, is words sounding more like a question. "I assume he hasn't figured out that Phi had already destroyed Achillies before. Either that or he's wanting to force Aiger to either forfet or he's really going to destroy Achillies again. It's a little difficult to tell with Hearts." Sora said. "Speaking of Hearts, me and you need to talk later." Lui said. The two bladers turned their attention back to the match. Aiger had closed his eyes, in a split second he opened them again. This time instead of fear, determination burned in his eyes. His hair broke free from his hair band and turned a bright red color. He changed the mode on Achilles tip to medium height Attack mode. "There he is! About time!" Hearts said. "Taking you down is going to be fun!" Aiger said, smiling. "You wanna have fun? Well too bad! You're finished!" Hearts said. The two bladers got into their launching positions once more. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison. Aiger ran towards the stadium before leaping into the air and pulled the ripcord as hard as he could, spinning as he did. Achilles Cho-Z wings activated and it began chasing Hades around the stadium. "Yes, the Cho-Z wings activated!" Aiger cheered. "They're finally here!" Hearts yelled. "Nicely done." Shu said. "I knew he could do it." Sora said. Achilles and Hades collided over and over again. Neither of them bursting or flying out of the stadium. "Dead Gravity!" Hearts yelled. Hades began to spun rapidly around the stadium, trapping Achilles in the center. "Blow it away! Turbo Defence! I know everything you're going to do even before you do!" Aiger yelled. Achilles looked like a pinball inside of the circle, bouncing off of Hades. None of Hades attacks were doing any damage. "Lets go!" Aiger yelled. Achilles broke free and spun up the stadium slope before turning around and spinning towards the center again. "This is everything I've worked for! Blow it away!" Aiger yelled. "Bring it!" Hearts yelled. Hades also spun up the stadium slope before turning around and spinning towards the center. "Turbo Breaker!" Aiger yelled. The twi beys collided, neither giving up until Achilles forced Hades towards the stadium floor and burst it. "A burst finish! The score is three to one. Aiger Akabane is the winner!" The referee said. "Yeah!" Aiger cheered. Hearts picked up his bey and left the arena. Sora turned her attention away from the TV and began walking out of the training room with Lui following behind her. As soon as they had left the room Sora turned to face Lui. "So, what do you remember?" Sora asked. "I remember me and Free saying goodbye to you, Phi, and Hearts at that train station in Koma Village. We used to be really good friends with them. What happened after Free and I left?" Lui said. "I learned a few months later that they were going to leave the next morning and I snapped. I guess Phi sees me on the same level as those bullies we chased off when we first met him. I was just a kid back then. I didn't mean the things I said. But Phi has made it obvious that he doesn't want to forgive me and become friends again. He plans on destroying everything I love. He's already killed my father, my uncle, Kyoya, and Kenta. He's going to try and kill you, Valt, Free, and Shu. He wants and I quote 'to destroy everything I love and he will not stop until I beg for mercy. And then he will destroy me'. He wants me to feel dispair until I can't take it anymore." Sora explained. "That's why Phi shot me after I lost my match with Aiger." Lui said in realization. Fear shone in the gold blader's eyes as she remembered when Phi had shot Lui and the dream she had while she had been trapped in the Dead Gran. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked at Lui. "I'm so scared of losing you guys. Ever since I found out Phi was going after you guys it's been haunting me. I haven't slept for days, weeks even because everytime I close my eyes I see Phi murdering you guys while I stand by and watch helplessly. It terrifies me." Sora said. "Then we'll stop him before he gets the chance. Besides, he already thinks Lui is dead." A familiar voice said. Lui held his phone up showing that he had called Free and put him on speaker. "He thinks he can take out the world's five best bladers without a fight. He's dead wrong." Shu said, walking towards them. "He destroyed Aiger's bey so he thinks he can destroy ours. We're gonna prove him wrong and show him what real blading is!" Valt's voice yelled from Lui's phone. "And we'll show him why we're the best in the world." Lui said. "We've got this. But, it's not just Phi, it's Ashtem too." Sora said. "So he didn't learn his lesson last time? He's dumber than I thought. I was pretty sure he was done especially after both you and Shu punched him in the face after the International Bladers cup." Lui said. "He's also been controlling bladers again. The only one I know of is Aiger but he has been freed." Sora said. "I think Katsumi is under his control as well. When I battled her, she had purple eyes that were more menacing than Lui's, that and she was acting like her complete opposite." Free said. "And she went missing after the Battleship cruise. The thing is, we have no clue where she could be." Shu said. "We better keep an eye out for any other bladers that seem to be acting weird." Valt said. "Yeah. Wait, I thought this was just supposed to be a discussion between me and Lui." Sora said. "Well, Valt and I noticed how scared you were when you told us about what happened between you, Phi and Hearts all those years ago so we figured we all needed to talk to you and give you peace of mind." Shu said. "Thanks for looking out for me." Sora said. "Why wouldn't we? You've done the same for us and you're our friend." Free said. "Well, I think we should go now. Sora looks like she's about to pass out." Lui said. "Take care Sora." Free said. "Bye Sora!" Valt yelled before Free hung up the phone. "I'm going to go train. See yah later Sora." Lui said before walking away. "Come on, you need to rest." Shu said, grabbing Sora's right hand and leading her to the elevator. The elevator went up to the second floor and allowed the two bladers off. Shu lead Sora to her room and opened the door. "Wake me up if anything happens." Sora said. "I will." Shu said. Sora walked into her room and closed the door before laying down on her bed, almost immediately falling into a deep sleep.


~Shu POV~

Shu watched as Cho-Z Achilles hit the ground beside Aiger's foot three seconds before Air Knight landed on the ground and stopped spinning by Kit's side of the stadium. "A ring out finish. The final score is two to null. Kit Lopez wins!" The referee said. Better tell Sora she'll be going up against Kit soon. Shu thought. He walked out of the training room and to the elevator, going up to the second floor. He walked out of the elevator, down the hallway to Sora's room. He opened the door and found that Sora was still asleep. He walked up to her bed and gently began to shake the white and gold haired blader.

~Sora POV~

Sora woke up to someone shaking her. She opened her eyes and saw Shu standing next to her bed and imediatly sat up. "What's wrong?" Sora asked. "Nothing. Kit and Aiger went up against each other and the winner gets to challange you." Shu said. "Who won?" Sora asked. "Kit. He has a bey called Air Knight. Even in it's Turbo Awakened state Achilles couldn't beat it." Shu said. "Is Air Knight a turbo bey?" Sora asked. "Yes. It can't enter the Turbo Awakened state but it can fly." Shu said. "Fly? Like spin really fast or literally fly above the stadium?" Sora asked. "It can fly above the stadium. It's layer and frame are specially shaped to create a downforce, allowing the bey to take off into midair and stay there for a while." Shu explained. "I'm pretty sure there's a way to beat it. There's always a way to beat a bey." Sora said. There was a rapid knock at the door. "Come in." Sora said. The door flew open revealing Lui standing at it. "Phi and Hearts are going up against each other." He said. Sora immediately stood up and ran out of the room nd down the hallway towards the stairs with Shu and Lui following. They ran down the stairs and through the door to the training room floor and ran down the hallway to the training room. They rushed through the door and stopped in thier tracks when they saw what was on the screen. Hades was pinned between Pheonix and it's armor. The faint sound of a bey cracking was heard. Hades burst and was sent into the air before it's layer shattered into several pieces. Hearts fell to his knees in shock and disbelief. "I can't believe he would do this to his own brother." Lui said. "Phi has made it clear that he doesn't care who gets hurt. Whether they are a blood relative or a friend, Phi doesn't care as long as he gets what he wants. He has to be stopped." Sora said. "Something tells me that we'll have chance to stop him soon enough." Shu said. Sora walked down the stairs and over to the rock wall. She put on the safety harness and got ready to climb up the wall. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna win this." Lui said as he put on a safety harness. "Not if I have anything to say about it." Shu said, also putting on a safety harness. "You're both gonna lose." Sora said. The three got into running positions and faced the rock wall. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison before they ran toward the wall and began climbing it. They were neck in neck with each other. Sora pushed herself to go a little faster and began to pull ahead of Shu and Lui. She reached the top and hit the button before dropping down to the floor. Shu hit the button a second before Lui and both of them dropped to the ground. "I win." Sora said. "Lets go again. This time I will crush you!" Lui said. At that moment, Sora's phone began to ring. She took it out of her pocket and saw Free was calling. "Hey Free." Sora said. "Sora, you need to come to Spain." Free said. "What's wrong?" Sora asked. "I just got challenged to a battle by Phi." Free said.

The legend returnsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें