Chapter 10

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Phi POV~

Phi walked down the halls towards the Sumiye twins' room. He was carrying a small tube of nanotech that Theodore had given him before the Beycruiser left America.


Phi stood in a room that had two giant cylinder shaped machines with a series of wires running from them and a whole wall full of lights behind them. Ashtem handed him a tube of something he called nanotechnology. "When activated this can control anyone, no matter how strong their willpower." Ashtem explained. "How?" Phi asked. "It's almost like the tech I used on Sora Hagane and Shu Kurenai two years ago. Except this time, it's much stronger and it can't be taken out very easily." Ashtem explained. "Why do you think I need it? Pheonix and I can crush every bey on that Battleship cruise." Phi said. "Maybe, but what about Free De La Hoya, Valt Aoi, Shu Kurenai, or Sora Hagane? This isn't just for the Battleship cruise, it's for whenever you need it." Ashtem said. "How do I activate it?" Phi asked. "This remote right here. It can be switched on or off at anytime, no matter the distance. But it only works if you have this chip which sticks onto the layer of the bey. Each chip and tube of nanotech is unique, meaning codes in the chip and the nanotech you use have to match in order to work. But it will be very painful every time you use it on a new person, but only on the first use. After that, they will feel nothing." Ashtem explained. "Can you deactivate it without the remote?" Phi asked. "Yes, the device in the bey must be destroyed." Ashtem replied.

~End Flashback~

Phi came to a stop in front of the door of the twins' room, it opened silently and he walked in. He spotted Katsumi sleeping peacefully in the bed closest to him. He quietly walked over to Katsumi and opened the tube containing the nanotech. He froze when he heard Fubuki shifting in his sleep in the bed closest to the window. Fubuki mumbled something in his sleep before falling still again. Phi turned back to Katsumi and poured the nanotech into her left ear before picking up Alter Forneus from the desk and taking it apart. He placed the chip in the center on the bottom of the layer. He put the white and silver bey back together and laid it back on the small desk before turning and leaving the room. He walked back down the hall away from the twins' room with a small smirk on his face. I won't activate it tonight, after all I don't want to wake anyone up. Maybe tomorrow, she'll never know what hit her. Phi thought.

~Katsumi POV~

"Good Morning bladers, hope you all slept well!" Beyeen said. Katsumi who had been asleep was startled by the sudden noise. She shot up and threw a shoe at the screen, successfully hitting Beyeen in the face. "That wasn't very nice Katsumi." Beyeen said, even though the shoe didn't hurt the AI. Katsumi rubbed her eyes and glared at Beyeen. "Well it isn't very nice to scare the daylights out of those who are sleeping!" Katsumi growled. "I didn't mean to scare you." Beyeen said. Katsumi just ignored the AI, walked into her closet and got changed. She walked out of her room and onto the ship's deck. She saw the rest of the bladers staring at the screen, she walked towards Fubuki and stood beside him. "This challenge is another tag team battle. We will randomly select two bladers for each team. The first team is Suou Genji and Ranjiro Kiyama." Beyeen said. "I'll call the funeral home." Katsumi said. Fubuki playfully punched his sister on her right shoulder. "Ow." Katsumi whined, rubbing her shoulder. "The second team is Aiger Akabane and Fubuki Sumiye." Beyeen continued. "Cool, we're on the same team again!" Aiger said. "The third team is Hae-jin Oh and Laban Vanot." Beyeen said. So that leaves me with Xavier, Kyle, and Phi. Please don't be Phi, please don't be Phi... Katsumi thought. "The fourth team is Xavier Bogard and Kyle Hakim." Beyeen said. Oh great... Katsumi thought. "I bet you guessed the last team. It's Katsumi Sumiye and Phi." Beyeen said. "This has got to be Karma for something. But I have no clue what." Katsumi groaned in irritation. "Good luck sis. You might need it." Fubuki said. Three of the five teams walked to the training rooms, Suou left to his room claiming that he didn't need to train with Ranjiro. Katsumi and Phi stood on the deck staring each other down. "Let's just get this over with." Katsumi said. The two walked to one of the training rooms and towards the stadium, the two stood on opposite sides of it. Katsumi rubbed her left ear which had suddenly began to irritate her. "Something wrong Katsumi?" Phi asked. Katsumi stopped rubbing her ear and looked at the white haired blader. "Nothing at all." Katsumi said before taking her bey out of her bey holder and unhooking her launcher from her belt. Her ear began irritating her once more and she began to rub it. I need to get that checked out later. Katsumi thought. She changed Forneus tip to Stamina mode. She took a few steps back and got into her launching position. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison. Katsumi launched herself at the stadium and at the last moment, leaped into the air and pulled the ripcord as hard as she could. Forneus circled the stadium while Pheonix stayed in the center. Ok, if I knock the armor off of Phoenix and avoid it's counter attack then I should be able to beat it. Katsumi thought. "Alter Whip!" Katsumi yelled. Forneus charged towards Phoenix, the beys collided and Phoenix lost it's armor. Alright, now to avoid the attacks. Katsumi thought as a small smile made its way onto her face. "I can see why that launch was so familiar, Sora Hagane is your mentor." Phi said. Katsumi focused on the battle, ignoring Phi's comment. "Phoenix Break." Phi said. Phoenix charged towards Forneus at a high speed. "Out of the way!" Katsumi yelled. Forneus moved just in time for Phoenix to miss it. "Phoenix break again." Phi said. Phoenix charged towards Forneus and the two collided before Katsumi could react. Forneus burst within seconds, leaving Katsumi frustrated that her plan had failed. She picked up her bey and put it back together. "It's a shame she's gone missing." Phi continued. Something in Katsumi snapped, she was suddenly filled with rage towards the white haired blader. "You were behind it weren't you?" Katsumi growled, glaring at Phi. "I was. Did she ever tell you she was Ember Eye?" Phi asked. "No. How do you know?" Katsumi asked. "Because you're about to suffer the same fate." Phi answered. "Huh? What do you- AHHH!" Katsumi, dropped Alter Forneus and held her head as pain erupted from it. She fell to her knees, screaming as her head felt like it was going to explode. Fubuki, Aiger, Ranjiro, Hajin, Xavier, Laban, Kyle, and Naru came running into the room. Fubuki ran to his sister and kneeled by her side, concern and worry on his face. "Katsumi, what's wrong?!" Fubuki asked, worry evident in his voice. Katsumi only screamed and held her head in pain. She felt her vision going dark and Fubuki's concerned voice fading. She felt her right shoulder hit the ground just before losing consciousness.

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